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An All-Female Firefighting Program Lost Control Of A Prescribed Burn And Caused A Major Wildfire
A federal equity program promoting “all genders” in firefighting lost control of a prescribed burn in Alberta, Canada. Women are cosplayers.
May 10, 20238 min read

Why Your Female Boss Is An Angry, Hypocritical, Miserable Cunt
If your female boss wants to actually lose weight without trying, she should go live in Venezuela.
Aug 30, 202118 min read

Why Your Female Boss Is A Highly Caffeinated, Fascist Cunt
Your female boss believes in superstition; she thinks drinking coffee will give her super powers.
Apr 8, 202114 min read

The Struggles Of A Zero-Fucks-Given, Author: Fucked-Up And Made More Money Than I Said I Would.
Made another 23K last month in the stock market; Karen probably spent that much on new trinkets via a loan.
Mar 16, 202118 min read

Julie Payette Is What Happens When You Put Feelz Before Realz
Julie Payette's fascist workplace doctrine is the result of a Gynocentric society that replaces meritocracy for, "Muh-Vagina!".
Jan 26, 202115 min read

Why Your Female Boss Is A Cunt (Part II)
Why is your female boss still a dictating, cunt?
Jun 7, 20209 min read

How To Survive A Recession: Profiting
Never let a good recession go to waste.
May 17, 20203 min read

How To Survive A Recession: The Crash
The three things you can count on in a recession are: Divorce, Defaults and Death.
May 16, 20202 min read

How To Survive A Recession: Preparatory Measures
The time to prepare is during the good times; the time to be greedy is when there is blood in the streets
May 15, 20202 min read

How To Survive A Recession: The Rules of the Game
Recessions can be tough on normies. The great news is, you don't have to be one!
May 14, 20203 min read

You Owe The Company, Nothing
It always amazes me how clueless, out-to-lunch, the brick-and-mortar boomer bosses are with regards to new style of sucking the day's...
Nov 28, 20195 min read

So, What Do You Do…For A Living? (AKA—How Do You Suck The Day’s Dick?)
There are a lot of dick-suckers in the world. They are easy to spot at a party. The best way to tell if you are talking to a mega...
Aug 14, 20195 min read

Women In The Workplace: An Oxymoron
In this episode: An article from BNN Bloomberg is addressed; apparently it is an 'embarrassment' that few women are in top positions...
Jun 24, 20191 min read

Why Your Female Boss Is An Incompetent Cunt
Women can’t manage their emotions, so how can they be expected to manage individuals, effectively? Multiple studies have shown that...
Mar 25, 201914 min read

Gaslighting: Petty Dictators In The Workplace
CorporateLand, if you have read the book, outlines the many potential landmines in the workplace. Like in all relationships, whether...
Feb 12, 20198 min read

The Average Person Spends Their Life Waiting for Their Life to Happen
The trap that most people will fall into is waiting; they wait for others or the world for that matter, to do things for them. Hopelessly...
Dec 24, 201815 min read

It's Always Cloudy In CorporateLand
Right at this moment I am doing one of my favorite past-times here in Florida: Sipping on a cold beer in the condo lanai; watching senior...
Dec 13, 20185 min read

Science & Reality Prove, Once Again, That Men Are Better Than Women At Everything
The short version of what I am about to outline can be summed up as follows: Everything you see around you is there because a man got off...
Nov 12, 201811 min read

Why Don’t You Go Get A ‘Real Job’?!: The Words Of A Loser
Losers are everywhere today. Pathetic inferior individuals, who at every turn in their life seek to waste their finite and valuable time...
Nov 9, 201810 min read

The Glass Bottom: Why Women Can't Break Through The Glass Ceiling
Being an independent investor, on top of writing and everything else I do, I am usually watching BNN (Bloomberg)—our Canadian go-to for...
Jun 26, 20188 min read
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