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May 4, 20184 min read
Women Aren't As Successful As Men Because We Never Wrote It Down For Them
I am sure most, if not some of you, have experienced or seen the following scenario at your job and place of business before: A manager...
Apr 28, 20183 min read
Women At Work: In-fighting Between Women In The Workplace Is The Real 'Glass Ceiling'
Who would have thought, that women experience more ‘rudeness’ and abuse from other women more so than from their male counterparts in the...
Apr 22, 20188 min read
Why You Hate Your 'Job': Reasons Why You Are Feeling Unfulfilled As A Slave
We have covered a variation of this topic before on The Red Island in a post titled All Jobs Suck: Why ‘Dream Jobs’ Don’t Exist. What I...
Apr 19, 20188 min read
Going Your Own Way: Why the 8-Hour Work Day Needs to Die
If there ever were such a thing called Suicide Fuel it would be the 8-hour a day, 40hr work week; along with mid-level managers and the...
Feb 4, 20188 min read
The Workplace: A Circus Shit-Show
I think this week is mainly going to consist of articles relating to CorporateLand, the workforce, cubicle slaves, and the sheer joke the...
Feb 2, 20186 min read
All Jobs Suck: Why ‘Dream Jobs’ Don’t Exist
One thing that people, more specifically millennials today, need to get through their thick, entitled heads is that you will never find...
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