Spring Break: The Week Your Current Wife Blew Out Her Vagina
The Wall: An Undefeated Champion
Does She Want to Have Sex With You?
The 'Reserved' Bottle: A Woman's 'Best' Sex
Thoughts On The #ThotAudit
Bang, Liberally
Empowering Women Increases the Price of Sex
Positively Hot: Why 'Body Positivism' Is For Lazy Fucks
Dorothy Dix: It's Time for Women to Shut-Up And Go Play in The Corner
Christine Blasey Ford: The Face That Killed #MeToo for Cash & Prizes
Escorting Hypergamy
Players At The Table: Men And Women In The High Stakes Game Of Sex
Don't Objectify Women: Subjectify Them As The Consumer And Create The 'Want'
10 Signs You're Pussy-Whipped
The Endless Summer Effect: A Modern Woman’s Delusion
20 Signs She's A Slut
Why Women Demand Marriage From Men
Female TradCons: Guerrilla Warfare In The Sexual Marketplace
Crabs In a Bucket Mentality: Why You’re A Loser
Why You Disdain Normies