Original Story at PEOPLE
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The Report Card
Our go-gurl sucked and fucked-off two teen boys, to then pull a stunning and brave act via a JFK haircut. We here do agree that her hair-doo was appalling to begin with, but c'mon. Drama-Queen Alert!
Leslie played the game the way it was not meant to be played; she DNF'd and DQ's herself too early. 100%, disrespectful.
It brings shame to the game, and it taints all the other hard work by many before her who wanted to go for greatness as a Female Sex Scandal Teacher.
This is our first Glock-sucker and it is a black mark on the ceiling for this new form of Americana; the tradition of grading female sex scandal teachers.
Since Leslie decided to forfeit going to court, we have no juicy transcripts or timeline of events. No texts, nadda.
A total feminist move. She wanted all of the attention, but none of the responsibility.
According to reports, our go-gurl was awarded the "Teacher of the Year" award at her high-school back in 2019. So, why paint the ceiling?
What are we trying to teach our kids here...that being a quitter is the right move?
Leslie has no social media, no pictures and no brains.
This is not the way to becoming the greatest FTSS.