A 33-year-old school counselor is accused of having sex with a ninth-grade student nearly a dozen times and even told the student's sister that she would leave her husband for him, according to an arrest affidavit.
The student ended the relationship after his mother caught them in bed in his room, the affidavit says.
Shannon Hathaway, a former school counselor at Harwood Junior High School, surrendered to Bedford police on Thursday morning on a charge of improper relationship between an educator and a student.
School district officials became aware of Hathaway's relationship with a former 17-year-old male student at Harwood Junior High when the teen's sister informed school administrators of it on May 8, according to an arrest warrant affidavit obtained by the Star-Telegram on Thursday.
The sister said that during the 2016-2017 school year, Hathaway would spend a lot of time with her brother, who is now 18 years old and has since dropped out of school. She said she never witnessed inappropriate behavior between the pair, aside from Hathaway holding her brother's hand.
She said that Hathaway told her she was in love with her brother and would leave her husband for him, the affidavit says.The sister told investigators that her brother confided in her about having sex on numerous occasions with Hathaway at her home in Keller, his mother's home in Euless and potentially at Harwood Junior High. It's unclear in the affidavit what she meant by "potentially."
What in the good fuck did we all just read?! A 17-year old in 9th grade? Good job parents. What is this, the first draft of the Billy Madison script?
Seriously, you CAN'T make this shit up.
Side note: Texas and Florida seem to be breeding grounds for FTSS.
First off, a BIG thanks to the authorities this week for releasing this romance novel-like affidavit on our gurl. In the last couple weeks I have blasted the authorities with regards to the crumbs they have been feeding us on the most recent Female Teacher Sex Scandals.
Well, it pays to bitch and moan because it looks like the call has been answered. And for Shannon Hathaway, I will answer that call tonight, in the wee hours, and do some thorough detective work on her vivid, wild, and reckless love story with her 9th grader.
Secondly, Shannon, is married. In fact, if you look at who her husband is, you will note that he is a Chad in the physical of senses. This is one of the strangest cases, indeed. Normally, with the married teachers that come in over the wire, they always seem to have a husband who looks like your everyday dad-bod; poindexterous-maximus. Her husband, surprisingly, is also a teacher; a wrestling coach at another school. Teachers are busy people and who knows what was going on in their marriage (they got married in 2012). But it is simply stunning to see this type of story in where Chad himself, gets out-fucked by a 9th grader. The rabbit hole goes deeper than our gurl's snatch, most likely.
Thirdly, I have to take issue with the competence of the 9th grader's sister; with her contradictory testimony and statement. Is she daft, naive, or was she a willing accomplice in fostering this love story; allowing her brother (like a loving Texan sister) to have fun and get those balls drained?
Maybe the brother has some dirt on his sister and they made a deal not to squeal? We will never know (unless one of them contacts yours truly). My point is, how can the sister tell the authorities that she "never witnessed inappropriate behavior" between our girl (Hathaway) and our victim when in fact, in the affidavit, the brother (victim) then later stats the following to authorities:
During the times he had sex with Hathaway at her home in Keller, her husband was away, he told police. He said his sister and his sister's friend stayed overnight at Hathaway's home at the same time. He told investigators he would have sex with Hathaway in the master bedroom while his sister and her friend slept in a guest room. Source:Star-Telegram
Sis, baby doll, you were there in our gurl's home, with your friend, in the next room, while your bro was giving Mrs. Hathaway,what, a bedtime story? What did you think they were doing in the master bedroom!? I am sure all those grunts, moans, sloshing sounds, and bed squeaks were just the house settling.
Our victim has already dropped out of school at the tender age of 18. He will also soon realize that he peaked in Jr High. You just can't bang your horny hot teacher and it not have consequences. Try to chase that dragon for the rest of your adult life.
That is the true and sad story here.
No wonder why Mrs. Hathaway was so drawn to this loser of a 17-year old who was in the 9th, fucking grade still; women love deadbeats, the 'projects' that need their special 'touch'. He was definitely in need of some counseling, alright; and so does she.
The Report Card
Methodology: Sleep-overs are a cherished tradition in a young man's life. Staying up late with your buddies; playing video games, breaking into your parents liquor cabinet and making crank phone calls to the suicide hotline or Kid's Help Phone.
Our victim never had the chance to experience those mischievous moments. Instead, Shannon Hathaway would take sleep-overs to a whole new level; in where our victim stayed up all night raiding our gurl's liq-her box. A classic screw-job in where you wait until the husband is out-of-town on a teachers retreat, of some sort I bet, to have your 9th grader feed you the hog and do the dance of the Beast With Two Backs. However, our girl made the huge tactical error in bringing the illicit sex to our victims house.
Remember, Shannon, teen boys have mothers, who sometimes come home unexpectedly when they are rubbing one off to Porn Hub; or in this case, while they are inside you.
Integrity: Married for not even 7 years to a Chad and engages in coitus with our underage 'victim' WHILE his sister and her friend are mere footsteps away. I am sure she grew tired of her husbands chiseled jawline, brooding looks, and Crest Whitestrip smile. Perfection is boring.
The passion is real, folks. A love story: so embroiled in its own narcissism that our gurl just had to 'get her bang on' whilst other minors were in the vicinity. That is FTSS Hall of Fame territory. Such bold points on the chalkboard.
Women will break the rules for 'love' and also, the bed at the same time. Over 12 times these two romped and the last was where the mother of our victim catches them in the act. The public will see a deranged, desperate, domestically frustrated and horny female counselor; I see a professional, who's trying to push the boundaries of what we know to be as 'counseling'. What breakthroughs has she discovered? We will never know; as I am sure her "research" will be burned as it was not obtained in moral conscience.
Presentation/looks: A dentists wet-dream. Our girl has an interesting tooth-to-gum ratio. If it weren't for that, she would be on par with one of the greats in looks: Sarah Fowlkes.
Also, our gurl looks like she is storing our victim's nuts in her cheeks, too.
Big mouth and chubby cheeks all scream: Smooth blowjob. However, her bod looks slam-piece worthy; saves her some points there. I can see why our 'victim' liked the master bedroom so much and completely ignored sleep-over etiquette. The fact that she is smiling (the same smile she gives with her husband) in the mug shot is very telling; we are dealing with some real issues, here.
Big smile: guilty.

Personal Notes: Hardwood Junior High School....(ha.ha)
17-year old "freshman"....(WTF?)
Overall Grade