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FAMILY AFFAIR: Mayor's Daughter, A Lodi Teacher, Stephanie Carafa, 32, Had Sex With Student

Original Story at

A Lodi schoolteacher has been arrested and charged with exchanging explicit photos and videos with a minor, and having sex with a minor under 16-years of age, acting Bergen County Prosecutor Dennis Calo said Monday.

Stephanie Carafa, 32, faces charges of aggravated criminal sexual contact and endangering the welfare of a child after an investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office and the Lodi Police Department.

Officers received information that Carafa, a teacher at Thomas Jefferson Middle School and the daughter of the mayor, had exchanged the photos and videos with a juvenile under age 16, Calo said.

Carafa is the daughter of longtime borough Mayor Emil Carafa.

When reached by phone Monday afternoon, the mayor said his daughter is “the love of my life, as is my family.”

“There is a process in this country, and that process is the court of law,” he said. “I know that people in their human nature are inquisitive, and I understand that. I respect their inquisitiveness, but my main concern right now is my daughter.”

Mike Nardino, a Board of Education trustee and cousin of Stephanie Carafa, said he could not comment, as it is a personnel matter. He referred questions to the Prosecutor’s Office.

Carafa was hired in 2012 and earns $49,281 a year, state pension records indicate.

She was arrested Saturday and charged with one count of endangering the welfare of a child and one count of aggravated criminal sexual contact. She is scheduled for a detention hearing in Hackensack at 9 a.m. on Friday.

UPDATE: As reported late Tuesday night (10/30/2018), the victim is confirmed to be a 13-year old male student. Stephanie did indeed go for the minor league. Yikes!


The mayor's ballot box ins't the only thing that is getting stuffed in Lodi.

Sometimes, it's not the hotness of a FTSS that makes the story go BIG. In some cases, it's who the female teacher is (status) and who she is connected to (other than the victim's penis).

Stephanie Carafa is literally surrounded by shadows who would protect her. Her father is the mayor of Lodi, her cousin is a trustee on the Board of Education.

According to her linkedin profile, Stephanie attended Felician College; the same college her father went to. Stephanie's father, was coincidentally a well-respected principal back in 2015. I think it is safe to say that our gurl got the job all by her self!

When we prowl over all the information, we can find small hints of Stephanies mindset. Not only is she a product of gynocentrism and a society to which puts women on a pedestal without earning any of that praise through meritocracy, but Stephanie is also a product of what I like to call: Cul-du-sac Dads.

In a suburban environment in where Daddy is of status, there tends to be a Princess effect that takes place in the household. Daddy wants the best life and understands that his image is vital to the support of his family and daughter, so he seeks to shelter and protect her from all the harshness of the outside world. Daddy' tells her what to do, he guides her all the way, makes all the decisions; where to go to school, what to major in and subsequently helps grease the wheels through his own status (gets her a job in a field in where he has connections).

We have seen this all before and it happens everyday. We especially see this in small towns and cities where nepotism and cronyism is everywhere. Small towns are especially ripe for this as everyone employs the 'keeping up with the Jones' mentality and or Normie mentality. This is due to people in small towns being in everyone's business and up everyone's asses because they have nothing else going on in their lives; seek validation through Normie-conformy living (i.e getting 'careers' in order to buy shit to impress your friends of how big of a Normie you fucking are). It's a game of who can be the bigger loser/Normie.

Stephanie seemed to have had it all and let it slip away by letting herself slip on a student's dick. She had the cushy life; Young White gurl who's Daddy could help her all the way to the top. A life of living off the tax-payer (Education or even politics if she wanted).

She is just another case of an empowered women throwing it all away for something they just can't live without: A good stiff dick'n (AKA-Attention).

The Report Card

Methodology: Working as a career go-gurl since 2012; paying taxes, deferring to other men(government) instead of a husband , Stephanie sought to throw it all away for the minor league. Sometimes $49,281 a year just isn't enough to satisfy. Our gurl went off the deep-end and into the kiddy pool to ride a noddle.

Could it be that Daddy put too much pressure on our gurl to become something she wasn't? Daughter of the Mayor, who went to the same College as he, family members (including the mayor) connected to the education system. 32, not married; a woman needing any sort of testosterone to fill the aching void between the thighs. Sends nudies to an underage student in order to get that validation and attention that she so seeks in her Facebook videos and pictures.

The Giner tingles can make a gurl go crazy if not satiated; any willing buck with a boner will do for these women.


Integrity: A teaching career most likely the result of nepotism; squanders an easy and sheltered life for a horny lapse in judgment. Priceless.


Presentation/looks: It is a special day here. We have the first video footage ever of a FTSS. Stephanie managed to leave her FB profile up long enough in order to have access to one of her digital short films about herself. Like most millennial chicks, everyday in their life is an interesting day.

Stephanie's 'rainy day' walk showcases her assets in such a way that makes this FTSS detective shed a tear. It's beautiful. The ego, the cheeky smirks, those ripped jeans. If she would have done it in yoga pants she would have gotten bonus marks. Alas, life isn't perfect and neither is Stephanie.

Although she gets a huge thumbs-up the cooter for using both forms of media in her presentation (digital/video), we have to be fair here and not get too carried away with this dazzling display on set.

This video was found at the last second. Before this finding, I was going to give Steph one of the harshest grades, due to such a lack of pictures online.

There was almost nothing for this Millennial chick except for one on a shopping site called Like I give-a-fuck about what you buy with your dads credit card. Where is the Instagram! Where is the passion!?

Then, low and behold, I finally found our gurl on facebook. Just as I suspected, she has the travel bug and a zest for inspirational graffiti and quotes on plaster walls in shit-hole countries. In a lot of the pictures we have 'moody' Stephanie and in some, 'fitness' Stephanie.

I was going to lambaste her for not going for greatness. I was going to give her a lesson on how to be great at presenting as a FTSS: Case in point, Elizabeth Flint. Elizabeth Flint is the epitome when it comes to passion, greatness and overall achievement. Flint left up her Instagram and social media a full 3 days after being arrested; it was something unheard of in the realm of FTSS. The passion for greatness was real.

With this knowledge, we have to compare greatness with mediocre +. Stephanie Carafa is decent looking for 32, and the video shots of her bod will definitely go a long way in showing dedication.

However, we are looking for the full package here. Also, I have to take off a half-mark for the half dyke-cut she is choosing to sport. I know, I am being picky today, but we are getting close to the end of the year and we need to save marks in case we get a blow-out smokeshow.

With that said, Stephanie Carafa will go down in the books as our first to have video documentation of the 'goods'.

32-year old Disney Princess...again women are children.


Personal Notes:

-Sticking it to the Man....

- Felician Fellatio

Overall Grade




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