Original story at NYPost.com

A special education teacher in Ohio allegedly had sex with a 17-year-old female student, authorities said.
Jennifer Walsh, a 26-year-old teacher at Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, was indicted by a grand jury Monday on two counts of sexual battery in connection with the alleged relationship with the teen from May through August, WXIX reports.
Police in Montgomery launched an investigation into a sexual battery complaint on Oct. 18 after an investigator from Hamilton County’s Job and Family Services agency reported an incident involving Walsh and the teenage girl.
Walsh, whose computer, cellphone and a journal were seized by police, resigned from her position as an intervention specialist at the school a day later, according to the station.
“Thank you for the opportunity to work for such a great education institution,” Walsh wrote in her resignation letter.
A total of five witnesses spoke with investigators regarding the allegations, including a teenager, WXIX reports.
Walsh had been employed by the district since 2014, starting as a substitute educational assistant, a spokeswoman for Sycamore Community Schools told the Cincinnati Enquirer. She later worked as a full-time educational assistant before becoming a special education teacher at the high school in 2015, spokeswoman Mallory Bonbright said.
A lesbian(or Bi, maybe?) lacrosse player. Color me shocked.
According to other sources, it is confirmed that the female victim is NOT a special needs student. With that info out of the way, what we have here is a good o'l fashion lesbian love story; where scissoring isn't just for arts and crafts time.
Female lacrosse players love 'sticking' together....lesbians also like having that 'connection'. Jennifer Walsh transferred that team spirit from the court to the classroom and decided to show a 17-year old student how it was done in Bearcat country.

A tragic tale for sure, with our heroine being all that you would imagine: A former all-star athlete in lacrosse for her college, won multiple championships with her team. "Four-year varsity starter at goalkeeper … named to second-team LAX-Under Armour All-America Long Island Lacrosse team junior season … led team to National Lacrosse Tournament Divisional championships in 2007, 2008, and 2009 … earned All-County honors senior season, All-League honors junior season, and All-Tournament honors freshman and senior years … helped lead team to Suffolk County Championship in 2007 … named a Scholar Athlete all four years … earned Academic All-American honors senior season.”
What went wrong?
Well, as you will be able to see and deduce later, it seemed that our gurl followed the path of a lot of jocks; they washed-out and peaked during either HS or post-secondary. Jennifer was a good player, but she wasn't great. Like most college athletes, if you don't make it to the big leagues, what do you do for a career path? Well, you teach. Instead of going to the big leagues, though, Jennifer for some reason, went sliz-shopping in the minor league and found love.
In a lot of these cases, we can see a spiral pattern when you follow the facts. Most had reached a pinnacle in their life and then something drastically changed for the worse. Then begins the mental spiral, and in these extreme cases these female teachers try to escape their realities by engaging in risky relationships; throwing it ALL of it away like Phil Collins said.
Years of education costing tens of thousands of dollars, their youth, their future career with summers off and everything else that goes with it. All for what? A few orgasms and a slippery connection?
It is simply stunning and brave.
The Report Card
Methodology: We don't know all the details....it would be nice if we could see Jennifer's journal. I bet it details the steamy summer affair. Perhaps the other 5 witnesses have even better versions of the story. All we can do is use out imaginations, like any teacher would tell you. Whether it was on the beach, in the back seat of a car, or at the movies, Jennifer did some heavy petting and grinded through the summer on a high.
Integrity: The resignation letter is a nice touch. It basically says "Thanks for having me...I am guilty." This is not how you play the Game, unfortunately, if you are going for greatness.
A perfect example of greatness was Dori Myers, a teacher who we featured last year; who sucked-off her 14-year old student multiples times. Did Dori Myers submit her resignation? Hell no!
In fact, Dori kept her mouth shut...which was probably something she wasn't use to. Dori not only kept silent, but in fact denied everything. You know what happened? Dori not only got to keep her teaching license, she also only got 10 years probation!
Our gurl Walsh, it seems, just wants out of the Game entirely. Perhaps it's back to playing girls lacrosse, but in the beer leagues.
Presentation/looks: Presenting as lesbian, Jennifer represents the type of woman I like to call: Icebergs. As you may know, icebergs are a deceiving object. They look great and cute from the surface, but down below there is just a whole lot more of it....A LOT more.
Remember that spiral effect I was talking about? I didn't know 'linebacker' was a position in Lacrosse. We don't know if our gurl was that big when she last played for the Bearcats in 2013....but its safe to say that after her lacrosse career was over, Jennifer gave up.
It's such a shame because if she didn't look like a full tackle, she'd be a smoke-show. Combine this with being a lesbo, just makes her lose even more points on the board.

Personal Notes: -Walsh had special 'needs' of her own.
- Put down the cupcake and get off the pussy.
Overall Grade