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LOWERING STANDARDS: North Carolina Teacher, 23, Brianna Nicole Stanley, Banged A 12-year old

Original Story at

A North Carolina middle school teacher has been arrested for allegedly having sex with a 12-year-old student.

Brianna Nicole Stanley, 23, was charged on Friday with multiple sex crimes related to the student at Carver Middle School in Laurel Hill. Stanley resigned from her teaching job on Thursday before she was arrested.

A parent had contacted the school last week with allegations that Stanley was having an inappropriate relationship with the child. The gender of the child is not known.

The school immediately removed her from the classroom and Scotland County Sheriff's Office started investigating.

Stanley was charged with three counts of felony statutory sex offense against a child less than 13, five counts of felony indecent liberties with a student by a teacher, five counts of felony sexual activity by a teacher, and one count of felony third-degree child exploitation related to child pornography.

Authorities had posted about her arrest on the sheriff's Facebook account but later removed the post due to an influx of inappropriate statements about the child and teacher.

A parent had contacted the school last week with allegations that Stanley was having an inappropriate relationship with the child

Scotland County Schools issued a statement following Stanley's arrest, saying they were 'devastated' by the allegations.

Stanley was given a secured bond of $2.5 million.


A good teacher never drops her standards....

A 'bad' teacher, lowers her panties; raises her skirt.

At first glance, when you click on such a story as Brianna's your first thought will be, "Wow, I can't believe they broke the law and posted a pic of the victim." Then you realize that the pic is of one, Brianna Stanley; who is supposedly 23-years old.

We have children teaching children, almost literally on a surface basis.

If you thought it was frustrating getting ID'd at the bar when you were 23-years old, think of how Brianna is going to feel when she is 40 and is still getting hassled by bar staff. Good news for Brianna is that she probably won't be getting hassled at the bar any more, but will instead be in jail; wishing she would have gone for some 'strange' at the local tavern instead of her preferred hunting ground: Her workplace/a field of minors.

One of the inspirational quotes on Brianna's Facebook page...

If you've ever seen the movie Jack with the late Robbin Williams, Brianna would be the reverse: She is an older woman trapped inside a body that doesn't age. Yet, at the same time, Brianna seems to share the mentality of a pre-teen all the same. It's a weird situation. On the surface of things, if we didn't have age, numbers and facts, Brianna and our victim banging one out would look nothing more than two horny teens engaging in their own love story. However, facts matter.

Brianna is being held on a $2.5 million bond. With that would seem A LOT of facts are being kept behind closed doors and in the affidavit. Doesn't look good for our 23-year old teacher in disguise.

The Report Card

Methodology: Brianna, whether intentional or not, fully dedicated herself to becoming one of the best worst FTSS in terms of picking low hanging fruit. Whether she had invested money into anti-aging creams, Brianna donned a disguise and strategy that only the brave and bold would do: Take the form of thy victim's age in order to have sex with them. A truly devious strategy that only the horniest and sex-starved would do. A type of guerrilla warfare....but on the battlefield of student-teacher sex.


Integrity: If the alleged allegations are true, then Brianna will go down as one of the worst/best in terms of sacrificing her career and her life; all for a pre-teen. Being held on a $2.5 million bail can only suggest that what the police found when they searched our gurl's home is a lot of nasty.


Presentation/looks: Brianna Nicole Stanely has taken the stage and is presenting as a 23 Year-Old White female who looks like a 14 Year Old when she doesn't have her make-up on. Sure enough, Brianna is passionate enough and hits on all the right categories when it comes to this most crucial category in an FTSS career: We get swimsuit Brianna, Formal-wear Brianna, Laid-back causal Brianna, Party-gurl Brianna and last but not least; we get inspirational Brianna.

When you take the stage and present, we here like to see our contestants hit on all of these preferred categories. It shows that you, as a FTSS, are a well-rounded individual. An individual who is well-rounded with many serious issues as a garnish.


Personal Notes: Is Brianna the victim or the suspect?

Overall Grade




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