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X-RateMyTeacher: Rookie Math Teacher, Kelsie Schmidt (24) Sent Titty Shots On SnapChat To A Teen

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A 24-YEAR-OLD rookie maths teacher has resigned after she allegedly sent a student nude Snapchat selfies and asked him to play naked hide and seek with a group of pals.

Police say Kelsie Schmidt sent the X-rated images to a 17-year-old student at Beulah High School in North Dakota last August.

According to court documents, Schmidt was arrested on January 23 after a student told a detective “that he could get the math teacher in trouble for pictures that she had sent him”.

Her resignation was formerly accepted two days later.

The student was interviewed after reports that a teacher had been sending nude photos on Snapchat.

One was reportedly a picture of the teacher, naked from the waist up, with her hair partly covering her breasts.

Another photo was allegedly of the teacher’s legs with the message "get a group and play naked hide and seek," The Dickinson Press reports.

Police allege the teacher sent three or four photos in total.

The boy claimed Schmidt sent him the photos in August and September.

According to her Facebook, she was a graduate of St Mary University - a private Catholic college which charges $8,400 a semester.

She was in her first year of teaching and her attorney told reporters that this was, 'a very unfortunate situation for everyone.'


Let's do some math with Kelsie, as to determine if her 'investment' was worth it:

Assuming she went to that prestigious private college for four years, we take the $8,400.00 per semester and multiply that number by eight (Eight being the total number of semesters paid for over the course of the four-year degree. Then, we must divide that total amount with the number of nudie/titty pics sent to Kelsie's victim/ love interest.

$8,400.00 x 8=$67,200.00 (not including food and other living expenses)

$67,200.00 ÷ 4 (pictures)= $16,800.00.

So, Kelsie's education allowed her to gain access to a young man's heart and costed her $16,800.00 per titty pic, sent.

To the 17-year old boy, that is money well spent.

For Kelsie's Dad (lets be honest, he probably footed the bill) he should have just told his horny daughter to open up a Instagram account (free) and pursue the art of E-whoring at no cost, except her soul.

If Kelsie would have let the E-life choose her instead of fighting it with the quasi desire to teach raw biology for an equally eager male audience, a lot of money wouldn't have been wasted. However, without Kelsie's poor investment we wouldn't be here today with this classic modern fairy tale of Americana: Horny female teacher, meets horny high schooler.

We can also assume, given the affidavit, that Kelsie seemed to produce these pics with the highest of production value; using Snapchat filters. Taking the time to carefully place her fiery hair over the nipples, to portray an aura of mystery and suspense, Kelsie exudes the talent and skill that only an experienced Thot can posses. Truly remarkable, for a rookie.

With this display of raw and unfettered talent, Kelsie shouldn't be teaching. Her tact and natural sense of 'hair placement over raw extremities', lighting, and angles is more suited to the world of E-Thotery: Instagram whoring.

It is also important to note that Kelsie is on par with one of the greats: Elizabeth Flint.

Why, you ask?

Well, this story broke on the 29th of January 2019 (I know, I am behind...), Kelsie has so graciously left her social media (facebook) up for the duration of this time period: An astounding, 10 days!

That is a new record!

And for that, we thank our gurl. She will get bonus points for playing the Game the way its meant to be played: Full frontal transparency.

The Report Card

Methodology: Kelsie didn't divide her legs or multiply her orgasms with her love interest. That's a shame for her grade. However, we are dealing with a 'rookie' female teacher who obviously went too hard and fast with the social media from the get-go.

Like a normal girl-next-door, who just got her first data plan (paid for by Daddy), Kelsie started to snap away at her titties and legs; creating curious minds in her male students as to whether or not the carpet matches the drapes.

This storyboard that Kelsie was creating is indeed, creative. However, if the goal was to bang....this creativity in sending out waist-up nudies, to then work your way down to the legs and muff, is a slow Game you'd only want to play with some beta-simp you're trying to hook without being 'too slutty'.

With no bang under her belt, Kelsie has learned a valuable lesson: Rookie or not, when you play the Game you have to play to win. Time is the enemy, and our gurl found out the hard way that when you send horny boys your titty-shots, they are going to tell their friends; who would also like to see those pumpkin-tits.


Integrity: For only being 24, Kelsie has showed us that its never too late (or early) to begin capitalizing on new found attention given by eager males. Kelsie was suppose to teach the young minds, math.

Instead, our gurl decided to go above and beyond her pay grade: Started to add human biology to the class description. Playing nude 'hide and go seek' as an extracurricular is a normal part of modern Phys-ed, of course.


Presentation/looks: Kelsie is presenting: Fiery Redhead. I went through our gurl's Facebook photos. The entirety took me 15 minutes, because a woman's Facebook gallery is always larger than a museums. If you dig into Kelsie deep enough (pun intended), you will come to find that she use to be a bit chunky.

Most likely, she was not the popular girl back in the day. Fast forward to recently, Kelsie is in better shape and looks pretty decent. The weight lose shows in the way that her tits sorta fold over her torso like flat, puffy pancakes. Other than going from pumpkin-tits to pancake-tits, Kelsey has this Girl Next Door vibe; with the minutia of being secretly horny, 24/7.

My guess is: Kelsie didn't get a lot of male attention back in high school, or maybe even at that posh private school. She dropped the weight like she did with her top: Obviously got a lot of attention. When a woman starts to receive a tremendous amount of attention (giner tingles), in large bursts for the first time in her life, (in her prime sexual years) they tend to go berserk for penis.

Kelsie started to hit her stride for attention late in her sexual cycle (24), instead of when she was in high school around horny boys her age. Fast forward to recent years, our gurl is surrounded by a pool of eager testosterone (all day, every day) waiting to be emptied over some titties and a tight sliz.

A mix of Alpha by proxy and trying to re-live those days that she never had, Kelsie fell victim to her biological quest for short-term, fast and easy, Alpha (Alpha by proxy) fucks in order to satiate the giner tingle overload.

These female teachers need to put down the marking and go to the pub once and a while. Kelsie is the typical horny female teacher that 'takes her work home with her' at the end of the day.

Such dedication. Passion, that is so hard to find these days.


Personal Notes: Everyone would love to play with those pumpkins.

Overall Grade

B+ (Bonus Point for leaving FB Up)


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