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So, What Do You Do…For A Living? (AKA—How Do You Suck The Day’s Dick?)

There are a lot of dick-suckers in the world. They are easy to spot at a party.

The best way to tell if you are talking to a mega dick-sucker, is if they're asking people the very primitive question of, “So…what do you do for a living?”

Note, that the person who asks such a question is essentially outing themselves as a normie, an average snap-fuck who is so engrossed in the Matrix, the 9-5, a plantation slave to society that their personality is akin to wet cardboard.

Comparable to this person’s persona de douche; your wet shits in the morning—that curl around the bottom of the porcelain bowl. Your dumps that have kernels of corn stuck in them have more character.

A fart from my moist asshole has more personality than the normie. At least they [said farts] don't reek of insecure desperation, and the slimy tang of needy validation.

It is a sad state-of-affairs; the life of a normie. Roughly 80% of society in the West—America & Canada, respectively— live the normie life. If you have ever traveled overseas to Europe, you will have come to find that this question rarely, if ever, is introduced into a conversation, no less, at a party in where the main goal is to have fun.

That is because, people in Europe are interesting. It's because they spend most of the year on vacation, enjoying life, having a life; not sucking cock at the office.

They[Europeans for the most part] don’t work 50 hrs a week in order to pay more taxes, buy shit they don’t need in order to impress their other normie friends in a competition to see who is the biggest financial loser (most normies are broke from overspending). Poorer than a prostitute in Venezuela.

So poor that after working 50 hrs a week in order to pay that alimony to wifey-poo, give the government a handjob (taxes) and lick IKEA's clit for that new living room finish de jure in time for the house flip, the poor normie can only afford a cheeseburger for dinner.

Prostitutes (once 'normal women' before economic collapse) in Venezuela fuck dick's (Suck on them too) for cheeseburgers!

Yay! Everyone is a winner!

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Therein lies the problem with the West: North American’s live to work instead of just working a gig to live. Their whole lives revolve around their jobs; their identity is in ‘What they do’ for a living.

No wonder why the majority of people you talk to at social functions are boring-as-fuck and are devoid of anything interesting.

When your identity is,“I am a paper-pusher at Gay-lube-In-My-Ass Industries!” then you are going to be as interesting as someone who.... puts lube in their asshole so that they can get gay-fucked. I don't want to hear about it.

Nobody wants to hear about it, unless you like hearing about somebody who lubes up their ass for a gay-fucking extravaganza!

You are a dick-sucker like all your other friends who enjoy, no, relish in sucking the day’s dick. You are proud of slaving away your time for others—your boss, your wifey-poo (who will take half your shit, including your time).

These people, these normies are all masochistic in a way. They enjoy the pain of letting life rail-road them in the ass in order to belong to the borg. They love the Matrix, belonging to a herd of other normies with all the fake pomp and stance that comes with it.

Realize that 80% of people at a party will ask the question above, as a test to see if you are like them; an average, nobody.

Normies like to know that they are among other people that are like them; losers. Yes, the question of ‘What do you do?’ is a social probe meant to be stuck inside your vagina or asshole—akin to a mechanic with a dip-stick, checking your oil to see if everything is O.K.

The question is a cock-sucker question, because what that person is trying to do is seek the following information: Education, political leaning, social status, job salary, financial status, value in terms of what you can do for the borg ( i.e are you useful even to them?). These people, more importantly, are so insecure (normies are extremely insecure creatures) that they need to probe in order to feel better about their education, social status, job salary, car that they can’t afford, and where they are in the normie game of life compared to you.

Essentially, a person who asks the question just wants to know if they are sucking more cock than you. You can easily tell if a cock-sucker is asking you this question because:

A) They asked the question, 'What do you do?"

B) Their breath will smell of TV dinners with their wife and five crumb-crunchers they can't afford, mints from last night's corporate meeting at Apple Bee's, a slight hint of pussy from having to go down on the wife because that's all the 'sex' he is allowed until his birthday, and a kernel note of Keurig coffee.

After all, when you are a normie, the day’s dick has to be sucked, or else you won’t be able to enjoy a life of mediocrity, self-loafing, perpetual financial strife due to trying to be the best normie, 9-5 er’ the world has never cared about!

Prostitutes suck cock all day long; nobody cares about prostitutes. If we did, as a society, we wouldn’t beat or murder them. If people cared about prostitutes, instead of beating and murdering them, everyone would give them head, instead—pay them more than the cost of a Gin Ricky at an over-priced bar in Toronto.

Prostitutes are more plentiful than grass, especially if you include all the wifesitutes, dinner-whores, and any woman that uses her vagina as some sort of casino chip to trade in for cash and prizes at the end of the night.

When something is plentiful, it is normal. It is average. It is not rare. If something is rare, it is amazing; people remember rarity.

Nobody remembers a nobody. Nobody will remember the guy or girl who asks the question, “What do you do…for a living?” at a party. They will just remember that you are a cock-sucker, who lives his or her day by which ever way the day's dick's cum down your throat.

Like a prostitute, after you've sucked the day's dick, you get paid (a paycheck). You get cummed on by your boss, your wife (another boss if you are a cuck)...and you get paid for your time and how good of a job you did, sucking that day's dick.

To further add about prostitutes (cock-suckers), likewise, normies suck-cock all day long, too (metaphorically, speaking); nobody cares about average. If we did, average would be amazing and amazing would be, average. Well, excuse me; Libtards, feminists and the general Left (insane people) seem to think that the average and inferior is somehow on par with, amazing.

Hence, the brain damage noted in feminists and Leftard’s head baskets.

So remember, if you are at a party, social function, or just out and about in Venezuela to beat-up some prostitutes late-at-night after buying them a cheeseburger for that mediocre head, just remember that no one is going to remember the name of a dead prostitute who died in a back alley in some Third-world, Socialist shit-hole.

Nobody is going to remember the milk toast, basic bitch, corporate cock-kisser at the party who asks, “So, what do you do?”

The best answer that you can give, that will make you instantly memorable (stand-out) is: “I beat-up prostitutes for a living.”

Guaranteed, insta-fame.

Fuck the normie life. It is for people who are dead on the inside—like prostitutes.


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