Original Story at CBC
A substitute teacher under investigation since January is now charged with a sex crime against a youth.
Krysta Grimes, 31, is charged with unlawfully committing sexual exploitation.
According to court documents, Grimes was "in a position of trust or authority towards a young person," when she "did for a sexual purpose touch directly or indirectly a part of her body with the body of [the alleged victim]."
The boy listed in court documents is a youth but CBC News has been unable to ascertain his age. It's alleged the incident took place in Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove between March 1, 2018, and June 30, 2018.
Last winter, the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District confirmed a teacher was being investigated after unspecified complaints.
According to news clippings and rosters listed online, Grimes had previously served as teacher representative for the Gonzaga High senior boys' hockey team.
She is due for an appearance at St. John's provincial court on Oct. 17.
Exhibit A: Brandon James

Brandon is not happy about this.
I'd let Grimes exploit me; What is his deal?
It turns out that Brandon was the fat kid back in the day, when he almost had the pleasure (pun intended) of crossing paths with Grimes's wet cooter. Back then, Grimes was just showing inklings of her giner tingles; her feening for fit, lean, athletic types to jock-jam her swish pocket.
The public may see a cold-hearted bitch, who could care less about hurting a young man's fee-fee's regarding his tubby nature: All I can see is a horny female teacher who tried to give a boy the fighting chance he needed to get all up in that Grime-y sliz.
If Brandon would've clued into Krysta's proposal of losing a bit of weight back then, maybe, just maybe, he would't have written such a whiny, bemoaning rant (publicly) on Facebook, and would've instead, been much more involved in the crime de jure: Your fairly attractive female teacher, icing your balls instead of the puck from draining those sons-of-bitches with her warm, wet mouth/sliz.
Brandon is a victim, too. He missed out.
The Report Card
Methodology: Inserting herself, like a spy, into a Ring-of-Alpha's (male sports), Krysta Grimes was able to get close to her prey and present her cooter like a hyena in heat for any takers. This tactic and strategy is as easy as it gets for horny, attractive female teachers. Confusing the young males as what her role would be (tension reliever, groin massager?) Krysta could coach her way between a young man's emotions and his thighs.
A strategy akin to the ones used by high school chicks who, "Loves sports" and "Watching them", just like one of the guys!
Chicks don't like sports, but they do like the attention they get from being involved in them; getting close to Chads; getting that good-fuck; a pussy pounded into the next solar system.
Integrity: Exploiting the rousing hearts and minds of young male athletes; parachuting herself behind lines of testosterone only to finally lose her career, life and future over a tuggy, blowies and maybe some sliz-sliding.
It's worth it, apparently, if you are Krysta. Who, unassumingly, doesn't know how to go to Amazon in order to purchase a vibrator; go down to the local bar and get a random college dude-bro to blow a fast load down her pie-hole; turn the top of her stomach into a toaster strudel; churn her butter-hole; grind her beef petunia into minced meat.
Presentation/looks: A typical frigid, Canadian chick who can't be found in a bikini, but instead, wears Canada Goose winter coats all year round and a gala dress for cocktails. I expected nothing more from Canada and Canadian women. Where is the pride in being the latest female teacher sex scandal? Where is the passion for the Game?

What about Brandon?: I am sure he would like to see some sweater-puppies poking out of a cardigan, or at the very least, some photos of you out in the forest, with your cum-fuck-me-pants on (yoga's) and your bend-me-over boots, draining a Maple tree of syrup as you would the 'trunk' of a young man.
We know there is a hot bod underneath all of that winter attire, teasing won't get you grades here.
Personal Notes:
If Brandon would've just made amends with Krysta and adhered to her request to drop five pounds by yesterday, they could've been lovers. That's what Brandon, deep down inside, wanted.
Overall Grade