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NO CONDOM, NO PROBLEM: Green Bay Teacher, Courtney Roznowski, 31, Had 'Birthday Sex' With Student

Original Story at

GREEN BAY, Wis. (WLUK) – A staff member at Green Bay Southwest High School was charged with five counts Thursday for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student.

Courtney Roznowski, 31, appeared on three counts of sexual assault of a student by a staff member, and two counts of exposing private parts to a child. She returns to court Sept. 19 for a preliminary hearing.

According to the criminal complaint, Roznowski is para-professional at the school. She eventually admitted to having sex with the boy two times, and that she and the boy “love each other.” She did acknowledge to police that the sexual contact was illegal.

The teen also eventually admitted to the sexual contact, at one point telling police, "Well it is every kid's dream to do a teacher,” the complaint states. The teen also said he was the one who ended the relationship.

When Roznowski was arrested, the Green Bay Area Public School District issued a statement saying Roznowski was placed on unpaid leave, pending the criminal investigation.


Most times, we have to use our imaginations to paint a broad picture as per the elements of any FTSS love story. The affidavit, here, does most of the work for us.

The Affidavit (a love story)

Police started their investigation. An employee at Southwest told police that Roznowski would escort the teen through hallways and was "unusually close with him." Word had spread through staff regarding an "inappropriate relationship" between Roznowski and the teen.

Police spoke with the victim, who initially denied having a sexual relationship with Roznowski. He said he was aware of the allegations and told a detective, "Well, it is every kid's dream to do a teacher."

A detective went to Green Bay Southwest to speak with Roznowski and request access to her phone. She started to cry. She admitted "we chatted a couple of time so I could make sure he was OK," according to the complaint.

As the interview continued, Roznowski cried out, "I was really drunk. I don't remember driving there [victim's home]... I woke up throwing up in the basement of [victim's] house and I have no idea if I had sex or not."

She proceeded to say, "The only other time I remember was on my birthday because he didn't use a condom."

Roznowski said she was initially a mentor to the student, and they started meeting up near his home. She said that she loved him "in the way I didn't want to see anything happen to him."

Roznowski said the sexual relationship started in mid-July of this year. She recalled having sex at the teen's house on Aug. 5.

Roznowski said she was having "extensive personal issues" in her life and had been drinking a lot.

Police took her into custody.

The victim confirmed the two sexual encounters with Roznowski. He said Roznowski told him that he was "special and deserved special things." He said Roznowski "pushed the limit" throughout their relationship as it evolved into sex.

We all deserve 'special things'. However, it was all mere projection on Courtney's part. Courtney believed she was special and deserved 'special things'; a condom-less cock inside of her weathered cooter.

A train-wreck of a woman with 'extensive personal issues' with a penchant for alcohol in order to numb the pain, whose only source of a memory trigger is having a bare boner slide in and out of her velvet bun. Sounds like your typical college party-girl drama.

The above erotic tale, written in standard police dialect, is full of juicy and romantic details that should be in the next 'Best seller'. Scenes of vomiting in her lover's basement; having no clue whether or not her pussy had been pounded into splendor. Alas, a woman's pussy always remembers the feeling of a sheath-less dick, bearing the promise of a warm spray to line the walls, coat the cooter; leave a primer of white hot evidence of a magical evening. An evening of vice, vulgarity and convulsions.

The teen boy; a victim of fantasy. A dreamer, like us all.

Courtney, the teacher; a horny woman who had a happy birthday.

The Report Card

Methodology: Deep down, Courtney knew she was going to be a hit-and-quit, slam-piece/masturbatory-aid for this young boy.

With this knowledge, Courtney decided to 'push the limit' in order for the relationship to evolve into a situation in where her birthday suit could be on display. A woman with mental and personal issues, whose liquor abuse lubes her horny wiles, will usually let you go into her wet trench without a helmet.

A splendidly dangerous, raw adventure.

Courtney, in her messed-up personal life, had been numb for a while. She wanted to feel something real, something that could make her happy; subsequently make her giner tingle, quiver and spasm with messy delight. Love to a woman comes straight from the giner: If you stick your fingers in there and they come out looking like Spider-Man's after he's miss-fired some webbing, it's a love story for sure.


Integrity: A part-time, para-professional who pulled over-time and double-duty. Now that is what we call passion and dedication.

Taking the time to stay in contact and 'Making sure he was OK'; letting him slide it in without protection to ensure he could feel your 'special thing'; letting him follow and pursue his dream of banging his female teacher.

Courtney's legs are like the baseball diamond in the film Field of Dreams: Spread them and they will come. Sometimes all you have to do is ask; let your horny female teacher know of your dreams, goals and passions. They are here to guide you on your journey.


Presentation/looks: At the age of 31, Courtney has seen better days. I am positive that if we went back in time a decade ago, Courtney wouldn't have been thrown into the bin of hit-and-quit; a one or two time slam-piece to get your balls drained and reset.

Today, Courtney looks like your quintessential Green Bay biker chick, who'd suck-you-off for a Bud Light and a round of pool at the o' tavern.

Couldn't be the teen boy's shirt.....or is it?

It is a valid effort, however, Courtney just can't compete with these younger, tighter, hotter and hornier (passionate) female sex scandal teachers, whom have a diverse social media presence.

With only some Court room pics of Courtney in an over-sized, ill-fitting shirt and her in Jail-house Orange, it is not a flattering presentation to say the least.

Probably remembering her last birthday; she never got to blow any candles out; She blew a teen, and her career away, though.

This presentation seems hurried and forced, much like how Courtney rushed to have sex with her student. We get that you ladies are horny. We understand that first and foremost its all about get'n that D inside of your salivating slizs'.

Despite all of that, like Courtney, most female sex scandal teachers forget that one day they will get caught, be graded and denigrated with a final Report Card on this blog.

You have to think long-term, ladies. You have to think about the future. If you are committing to being a Female Sex Scandal Teacher and are going for greatness, presentation is everything here.

We can't stress this enough.


Personal Notes:

"Well, it's every kid's dream to do a teacher"- The Victim

Amen, sir.

Overall Grade



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