While we continue to rip on Canada—that’s what I want to do this week especially— let’s also address why most Canadians (talking about your typical snap-fuck) are irreversibly, fucked for the foreseeable future.
To preface, we are talking about leftist morons here in Canada who voted for Mr. Dress-up, racist Trudeau, for another term in order to keep stabbing, abusing and raping the Canadian economy until it gets HPV, HIV, Gonorrhea-syphil-aids from his diseased, shit-covered faggot cock; left laying face down in the world ditch; left to rot with cum and blood oozing out of every orifice: A strawberry milkshake.
We are not making fun or referring to any of the loyal readers of this blog since it is assumed that you have an IQ above 100 (at least) and don’t fall into the normie-conformie, 80 percent of fucking morons in society.
Morons don’t read this blog because they are too busy trying to be a normie, snap-fuck— A loser—just like everyone else. The only morons who do—and there are a few that I know from certain ‘work’ gigs—are only here to lurk due to jealousy; they have a masochistic tendency to be triggered. They are losers who sought or wished to be writers themselves, or just successful in general, but are too lazy and stupid to even put forth any meaningful effort into it.
Being stupid usually means you are also lazy. Being lazy and stupid a lot of times go hand-in-hand; much how like Justin Trudeau and Jessica Allen walk hand-in-hand as political losers, as inferior beings whom will suffer greatly when Canada collapses and the rule of law is non-existent.
People Like Trudeau and Jessica Allen will be the first to be slaughtered, abused and raped due to their weakness and inability to comprehend reality; just how fucking dark ‘PeopleKind’ will be once the shit-hits-the-fan.
People like myself have already insulated ourselves from the future financial crisis and will thoroughly enjoy the decline and I hope to be there when people like Jessica Allen get what they deserve; I will stand-idly by with a drink in my hand and a camera in the other; make sure to capture such a beautiful moment: Pure justice.
I digress.
If you read/listen to my work, and other great’s such as TheGreatOne, Himself, you are more than likely not a normie, 80% percent’er. You are most likely not of the ilk of, oh let’s say, Jessica Allen from CTV’s ‘The Social’—Who is one of the fugliest fucking cunts you will ever have the displeasure seeing or listening to in your entire life; a racist, bigot, self-hater, man-hater, feminist loser of a ‘woman’ there ever was.
Canada, A Chamber Pot of Shit
Most Canadians are like Jessica Allen whom would rather hate on successful people because it's a lot easier to do that; get them fired, or steal their money through taxation (theft) than to actually try themselves and produce anything of value. People like Jessica Allen hate people like Don Cherry because they [leftist losers] will never amount to anything great. People like Jessica Allen should just kill themselves and get their miserable lives over with so people like myself don't have to witness constant idiocy and failure on a daily basis.
It's just embarrassing.
You know what I would rather witness that wouldn't be as embarrassing?
Jessica Allen sticking the chrome barrel of a .44 cal. Dirty Harry inside her fat, fucking mouth. Giving that thing a romantic french kiss, before splattering her human chutney all over her IKEA furniture and dildo display; shitting her pants; losing all of her bowls the second that round penetrates one of her ten cats mixed-up in the crossfire.
People like Jessica Allen hate hockey players and white men because playing sports is competition.
Leftist hate competition because it usually means they are going to lose, due to their inferiority and inability to compete. That is why leftist always want life to be 'fair', 'equal' and on a 'level playing field'.
Most Canadians are like Jessica Allen who need life to be 'fair' because they don't want to try.
Most Canadians would rather let Justin Trudeau stick his shit-covered cock into their mouth and make them suck-it off (welfare & taxation) while at the same time he[Trudeau] puts a gun to the wealthiest heads, forcing them to dole out more government cheese for the fucking rats of our society.
Giving poor people even more of other people's money won't solve the problem because poor people are poor for a reason; they don't know how to control themselves or their finances.
They[poor people] are like drug addicts.
Related Read
Jessica Allen, and Canadians like her, is the reason why people commit murder.
Jessica Allen is the reason why we also need Viagra in society.
Jessica Allen, who claims to be a woman (most likely has a penis), is the reason why Canada is in such big trouble.
Canada is gender confused about it's own place in the world. Are we a resource nation that has a black liquid gold mine beneath our feet? Or are we a nation that producers only 1.5 % of the world's pollution yet needs to embrace a new taxation (theft) called carbon tax. A nation that is so mixed race there is no diversity; a chamber-pot full of other peoples (countries) shit.
Its people like Jessica Allen who are too stupid to even understand how stupid they really are, even if you gave them all of the evidence in the world. Jessica Allen will be the archetype for today’s discussion as she is the poster-cunt, a nice generalization of not only the average Canadian female, but the mindset of the average Canadian; the majority (inferior), not the superior 20%.
People for the most part in Canada, especially in the city I grew-up in, just don't want to try at life. And, if they see anyone succeeding or breaking-out from the herd, they will try to sabotage and bring you back down into the crab basket.
These people (you know who you are, because you are probably lurking on this post), you people are fucking losers and deserve what you get. I will be waiting to cream my jeans the moment the next depression hits and I get to witness your ultimate struggle with a glass of champagne in hand and plenty of beers to last since the entertainment will be through the roof.
To watch you people suffer will be better than sex, drugs and rock & roll.
Fiscally speaking, most Canadians don’t have a pot to piss in. That’s because most Canadians are stupid and choose to be poor. Poverty is a choice. How so? Well, let me explain.
The fact of the Canadian majority voted for Trudeau—socialism— twice, is the first of many stops on the You-Are-Fucked train to a pound-me-in-the ass without lube, economy.
Now, as we all know, the government doesn’t create jobs and voting for the cock-sucker who is in desperate need of a JFK haircut isn’t the primary cause of Canadian’s misery. However, the fact that Canada (majority of inferiors) voted for this faggot, who vehemently hates the Canadian oil industry (Net share of GDP) and math, is a serious blow.
Although, as much as we should blame the cock-sucking faggot who desperately needs a haircut from an armor-piercing bullet, the problem that most Canadians face when it comes to their financial health is, themselves. Canadians are just not good with money. Their financial literacy is at maybe, a Grade 5 level.
Your typical moron of a Canadian, through studies and surveys –on average— has around $200 dollars worth of wiggle room in savings. This is after they get their paycheck and all ‘expenses’ are paid. 46% (probably higher) are $200 or less away from financial insolvency.
Think about that for a second.
That’s a lot of losers.
Canada’s household debt is at 170%. Approximately 70 percent of Canadian households have debt, with the average indebtedness at an incredible 170 percent of disposable income.
Literally, digging themselves a grave. This works out to be 2.16 trillion dollars on a national level, which is fucking insane.There are also reports of nearly half of all Canadians won’t be able to cover basic living expenses without going into further debt by using credit or even taking out loans and second mortgages (which is stupid).
Funny thing about all of this, like TheGreatOne, Himself mentioned in a recent podcast regarding drug addictions, is that all Canadians have to do is just choose to stop.
Stop being a fucking normie and consuming more than you can chew!
What all of this looks like to me is that most Canadians are just fucking stupid and have no agency.
Stop over-consuming!
Stop having kids you can’t afford.
Stop buying the latest iPhone you can’t afford.
Stop buying fucking houses you can’t afford. (Why there is a housing bubble).
Stop buying Tim Horton’s or Starbucks every fucking day of the year.
Stop majoring in worthless shit just for the sake of credential-ism (student loan crisis).
The list, literally goes on, you fucking retards!
Drunk On Tim Horton's; Masturbating The Culture Ego
There are countless, everyday examples I see.
When you go to the grocery store, everyone is drunk on Tim Horton’s, every goddamn fucking day. Everyone in the morning, on the roads is racing to get to Tim's before they start their pathetic day of sucking it's dick. People getting pissed because the line is so long, that they are late for work. If you all would just brew it at home, you wouldn't have long lines. If you all didn't work 9-5, you wouldn't have log jams on the roads at certain times of the day.
Most Canadians don’t know how to brew their own coffee in the morning. I am surprised most Canadians can even get out of bed without fucking that up.
Buying a tin of coffee, which will give you a hundred or so 6 oz cups of coffee will cost you somewhere around $20.00 CD. A cup of Tim Horton’s coffee is $1.79 CD.
Most Canadians (we all know these people) drink (buy) at least 1-2 cups of coffee a day from Tim Horton’s. These are the same people who will then turn around and cry at the end of the month when they have no money, are part of that 170% household debt crowd and the group that maybe has $200 in savings and is on the brink of financial ruin.
These are the same people who will spend and buy shit they don’t need just to impress their friends, to keep up with them (Marriage, house, baby, vacations etc.). These are the same people that believe if they just work more hours, they will become rich. These are the same people that think their time has to equal their money and that there is no other way to earn money.
These are the same individuals who won’t think for a second that maybe the money they waste on coffee and donuts could actually add up to a substantial amount at the end of the year; money that could be put into a stock, ETF or fund that pays out 6-8% in dividends.
You are poor because you choose to be poor.
Do you need to feel a part of the group with your stupid fucking red cup that says Tim Horton’s on it; to show you are a fucking conformist idiot who thinks they are so important in the morning because they bought a coffee?
Buying things you don't need doesn't make you cool; it just makes you stupid.
Oh my, you must be so busy!
Why, you must've of bought that coffee in order to do some grocery shopping because grocery shopping is just so fucking hard and exhausting; you just need that fucking coffee in your hand to kick you into gear!
You just need that hit of dopamine, that feedback and acknowledgement that you just spent your money, akin to you sucking society’s cock. Sucking that day's dick in order to be part of the herd; a lemming.
“Oh, Sheryl, I see you are up early today…oh…and you have your Timmie’s coffee! That a' girl, you look so busy…busy mommy you are…that’s why you need that fuck’n coffee that is over-priced.”
“Oh hey, Tina! Ya, oh my god…such an early start to the day. And ya, I like paying for an over-priced coffee everyday while I do nothing because it makes my vagina tingle and I feel important…kinda of like someone at the office who also does nothing, but since they have a coffee in their hand, they look like they are important. I see you have your coffee, too! Tee hee. Life is just soo busy ya know, as a woman. I can’t even take 2 minutes at home, brew my own coffee and save hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year because, like you, I am a fucking idiot! I am also, a lazy cunt, too!”
As you can see, Tina and Sheryl are two stupid cunts whom are lost in ignorant bliss.
Women like them need to be seen, heard and validated through cultural norms. Having a cup of Tim's in their hands signals to the rest of their cohort that they are one, part of the borg. It's like a form of slave solidarity.
Tina and Sheryl would rather diddle themselves senseless and not think about the choices they are making because of course, thinking and criticizing yourself and the choices you make is hard! And it doesn't feel so good, it gives them a tummy ache!
"It's so boring, Tina! Oh, my god, like, having to think and do math, make a budget and trying to trim my lifestyle is like, omg, so hard. Hard like the cock I am just going to take inside my pussy tonight in order to pay for my rent and food."
"Oh my gawd, Sheryl. I know, like, lowering my standards and my standard of living...like...who wants to do that! Yuck! What am I, lower class? I am just going to keep going into personal debt (lower class) and pretend that everything is OK by propping my lifestyle up with debt so that people think I am higher class than I am. Also, I am going to suck-off my beta boyfriend later because the rent on my apartment is overdue by 2-weeks! Yay!"
Tina & Sheryl Both Have Two Hands And A Mouth; They Would Suck-Off Justin Trudeau While Casting Their Ballot (Vote for theft) And Jerk-Off Their Boyfriends For Rent Money All At Once
For lazy women like Tina and Sheryl, when everyone sees them enter the grocery store early in the morning with a cup of overpriced coffee in their hand, it shows that these must be busy women, with such busy lives because they couldn't take 2-minutes to press a button on a Cuisinart at home while they wash their used and abused cunts in the shower (that's called being efficient).
Instead of being efficient and productive, women like Tina and Sheryl would rather be lazy and poor at the end of the fiscal year. When people see Tina with her overpriced coffee, strolling around the produce section in her overpriced yoga pants, people give her a nod because she has bought into the wage-slave culture, just like them.
Misery loves company.
A cup of coffee from Starbucks is around $5 fucking dollars. A hit that lasts you about 30 minutes and then disappears out your urethra and into the sewer pipe. Instead of wasting your money and continuing to be a slave to the day's dick, sucking on Justin Trudeau's cock because unemployment (stealing taxpayer's money) is easier than working, you could spend around that same amount of money on a Aaron Clarey's Kindle version of Poor Richard's Retirement. A book that will save you thousands if not hundred's of thousands of dollars in the long run. Speaking of saving money and hundreds of thousands of dollars on a worthless degree, you could pick-up 'Worthless' by Aaron Clarey for the price of a Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks on Kindle.
Again, poor people are poor because they choose to be.
Let’s say that Tina and Sheryl are both equally stupid (equality, fairness) and both consume 2 cups of Tim Horton’s a day— because they are both oh so fucking busy gabbing on the phone and picking-up a fucking pineapple before going home to masturbate to General Hospital—for everyday since the start of the year until the end.
That works out to be 730 Tim-fucking-Horton’s coffees a year
730 Timmy Hoes coffees X $1.79 CD(Assuming it’s a Medium coffee) = $1,306.70 (Annual spending)
Wow, holy shit. That is just in one year.
If you only drink Starbucks because you're an elitist fag (Yet, you vote Liberal and hate Trump even though he is not your Prime Minister) it is even more money.
730 Star-cucks coffees X $5.00 CD = $3,650.00 - Annually
Brewing your own coffee, and not being a lazy fucking asshole in the morning at home would solve a lot of financial problems for Canadians, whom are drunk on their Timmy Hoes.
A Solid Investment In The Future Of Canada; Buying Packs of Cigarettes For Jessica Allen
How many packs of cigarettes do some Canadian losers smoke in a year?
Let's say the average loser who wants to kill themselves via lung cancer, smokes a generous, conservative, one pack a day for every day of the fiscal year. The average cost of a pack of death-sticks in Canada is $13.
Minimum wage in Canada is $14; fun fact.
That's 365 packs of cancer sticks X $13.00 CD= $4,745.00. annual. Not including future medical bills from the cancer, lung disease and related illnesses.
The average loser who smokes, most likely works for $14 an hour. This idiot will work for an hour of their life to then buy a pack of cigs to which will shorten that life even further than it already is.
What is the fucking point?
Just kill yourself and save everyone the agony of having to pay more taxes for a bloated health care system due to your self-loathing, self-hating addictions.
Coffee is a luxury; it is not a necessity.
Smoking is just not needed, period.
Although, people like Jessica Allen should smoke and help the process along.
You don’t need coffee to survive. You most certainly need cigarettes, though, if you want to die, quicker.
If I could invest my money into something worthwhile other than generating a dividend, I would actually invest in buying packs of cigarettes for Jessica Allen.
Money wasted?
I beg to differ.
It will pay dividends. Trust me on this. For the future of Canada, it will be worthwhile at some level.
Not really, actually.
For me though, I believe it would be worth it. And I would want rolling updates on the health and status. I'll even pay doctors to take quarterly health checks, log the progress in very detailed notes. So I have something exciting to read while I jerk-off in front of my fireplace.
Where was I? Oh right. Back to Tina and Sheryl; the two stupid twats.
However, you do need money. Of course, Tina and Sheryl are women and can always spread their legs for money; leach off the government at the very worst.
These are the same people here in Canada that will complain daily that they have no savings, money, live paycheck-to-paycheck. These are the same people who say things like “Oh, Frank we all can’t be like you and have money to invest in the stock market.”
Bull-fucking-shit you don’t. I just showed you where some of it is going. It’s being spent on fucking Tim Horton’s you fucking cunt!
That’s just one consumer item purchase that is chronic to your spending habits!
Sucking Trudeau's Cock Means You're A Hypocrite; You Love The Rich
Again, people who love to suck Trudeau's cock instead of work, produce and manufacture a life worth living, hate themselves.
Just like how a hooker hates herself by letting random strangers cum inside her mouth, pussy, and ass for other people's money.
People like this in Canada want to experience wealth but would rather get a taste by having a rich man's cock give them the feels by whispering sweet nothings into a microphone on TV and telling them that they(his voters) are all his bottom bitches.
Trudeau is your pimp and you are his prostitutes; getting beaten, forced-fucked everyday so that you can make some scratch while he pockets the lion share and also cums on your face at the end of his political term.
Voting is for faggots and whores. Democracy is not freedom because you have to suck the day's dick and hope that you don't get fucked without lube, robbed and beaten throughout your day-dick sucking life by the other half of society; having to worry about the other whores taking your share of the corner through theft.
Like sluts, most Canadians just can't take the material dick out of their mouth, ass or vagina. It just feelz too good and trimming back on that material cock, even just letting it pull-out for a quick minute, is just non-negotiable.
Most Canadian's balls (wallet) just has to be drained to feel good; most Canadians cunt's just need to be filled with a thick and constant reassurance that they are 'special'; filling that empty void with material items.
If you only just delayed your gratification for a year, fuck, imagine if you didn’t spend money on coffee for 2-years, you would have around $3k (Tim Hoe's coffee) to invest and make 6-8%. If you quit smoking you would have almost 10k to invest.
Money that would've otherwise been wasted, you could've at least exposed yourself to a bit a risk while earning dividends at the same time.
What is riskier?: Smoking cigarettes and dying early of cancer, or investing in the market in a diversified portfolio?
Your money could then be working for you instead of working to kill you, you fucking asshole. In fact, if you really wanted, you could then use some of those dividends to support your fucking drug addiction to caffeine and smokes if you really wanted!
Again, people are poor because they choose to be. These people are poor because of the choices they make and what you choose to spend your money on.
These poor Canadians are the same ones who probably voted for Trudeau and hate the %1; hate the wealthy, producers and those evil corporations. Yet, these are the same fucking morons, who ever day of their lives, support the 1%, the wealthy and those ‘evil corporations’ via consumption!
If You Hate The Wealthy So Much, Stop Buying iPhones!
The vast majority of people in this world can’t understand that they are the wealthy’s biggest fans and supporters.
Yeah, we can all hear you scream and moan about how you hate the rich and how you people believe the government should steal more money from them to give to your stupid ass.
Except, in the same breath and moment you’re on your fucking iPhone: Driving in a fossil fueled SUV, drinking your Starbucks, eating your Tim Horton’s bagel; to then go home and watch your Netflix; buy two more vibrators through Amazon so you can buff your muff; tweeting to the world and on Facebook why you hate the rich and think you deserve their money.
Again, most Canadians voted for Trudeau (again) because they are just so much more ‘educated’ and smart.
Everyone who voted for Trudeau deserves to die in poverty and you should not help these people when they do so.
In fact, when these people are burning (financially) do not put them out, or smother them out of their misery by shooting them.
Let them burn and enjoy it. After all, you deserve to enjoy the little things in life— Like watching little people, (plebs) burn for their financial sins.
If you people love the environment so much and believe in the myth of global warming and climate change then stop buying cars and driving them! Also, kill yourself!
If you truly wanted to save the earth and stop emitting Co2 into the atmosphere, you would want to stop breathing and farting.
So, fucking kill yourself, hippie!
I could go on for pages about how fucking stupid most people are and especially most Canadians. But if you would like to read more about why you should hate people who hate themselves, read Uncle Nick: Diary of a Misanthrope.