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The Work Wife

Dear C|Suite,

I had a coworker that lived out of country named, Morgan. I was in a more technical role and she was in a more client-facing support type role. Morgan was assigned to our London trading desk; she worked in the FX department (Foreign Currency Exchange Trades).

I was based in the U.S in New York, and was what they call an 'Execution trader'. We mainly implement the investment team's trading strategy and aim for the best price possible on each block we trade.

Morgan, she was brunette, thin, petite, really nice blue eyes. She was definitely the 'good-looking one' at our medium-large firm. She was a couple years older than I. Married, no kids. I found out through our many late-night chats on the phone (after-hours) that she use to do some modeling in her younger days.

I would see her on our conference calls a lot, and she had this kind of high-pitched Amy Adams type of voice, and a great smile. I thought she was so sexy, exactly my type. To the point, I would jerk off to her just by thinking about her, which I rarely do.

We communicated via our company chat, just work stuff at first. Then as time went on, we would catch each other both working late and would talk on the phone at our respective trading desks. Burning the midnight oil as it were for most new-comers like me.

I remember one Christmas holiday we both had to work late and would check-in with each other and drink on the phone at our desks. It was a long-distance, sexual tension between us. We'd at first talk business, about clients, what kind of trades I needed to move through her desk, if she had any large blocks I could buy or sell into for clients.

Then, usually after about 15 min or so we'd just stay on the line and flirt. I'd ask about her life and she would joke about when I am taking her to Las Vegas for a 'good-time'.

I was pretty surprised at how flirty this married coworker was willing to be. She called me 'hot stuff' once. She called me babe, regularly especially when she needed me to put a slide deck together for one of her clients regarding deep value oil & gas companies.

She’d ask about my wife. She told me at one point her and her husband don’t get along very well anymore. It was a 'dead bedroom' marriage. Later she told me when we first started having company conference calls she would just look at me most of the time.

I was a 'good distraction' apparently. I’ve heard the expression 'work wife' before. She was definitely my work wife.

We do a company conference once a year here in either NYC or in Connecticut. The whole company attends so this would've been the first time I would see her in person. To be clear, I never assumed anything would happen with her. Not that I wouldn’t.

Just that I thought to myself I was never going to try anything with a married co-worker. You never know if someone is like that at work just because it makes the work day more interesting or they are using you to get ahead or to make things easier on their end.

Before she left town for the conference she joked with me. She said I would need to have my safe word ready. I mean, she said it as a joke. I suspected something might actually happen after she said that, however. I was getting pretty excited to see her. All of that tension, banter and flirting over the year was building up to us actually seeing each other in person, and at a trading conference which are notorious for the abuse of drugs, alcohol and other party favorites.

It's an industry that honestly couldn't survive without cocaine and the numbing power of a liquor cart in the office. To be honest, most of the paper and trades you see move on the tape is most likely a coke-infused idea, backed up by at least some fundamentals.

Most of the market is high, manic-depressive and yeah, that's why when it crashes, it crashes hard.

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We do a company dinner that first night everyone gets in town. I met her.

I’ll never forget the smile on her face as we shook hands. It was the, “we know something the rest don’t know” kind of look. And she looked fucking good. Black dress, with a slit down the side. She’s really tan, nice medium length brown hair.

At the dinner we caught eyes with each other a couple of times and smirked. Like we had a deep dark secret that each of us was eager to tell the other in private. After dinner a bunch of us are talking and about six of the group decide to go get some drinks somewhere else, Morgan included.

We had a good time. A couple of people left after an hour or so. At one point by the restroom she kind of bumped into me and was like, “I touched your butt, sorry!” A little later she asked me if I was going back to my hotel room yet.

I told her I was going in a little while and she told me not to leave too quickly.

After we all left, I went to the bar by the office and had a drink, not really knowing what to expect.

I got a text from a number not in my phone. Our cell phone numbers are easily accessible to each other in our company. It said, “are you still here?” I respond "yes". She responds with her room number. She mentions that she is on a different floor than the other coworkers.

So, I go and take an Uber to where she was staying. She answers the door with that smile of hers. I come in and I sit on her bed next to her. We kind of small talk a little. We laugh a bit about me being in there with her. I’m not going to lie, it was tense. My heart was pounding.

I’m pretty shy when I first meet people so I get the idea to whisper in her ear.

I told her when I first met her that she turned me on. I mentioned also that I can’t believe I’m in this room with her. I also made the point about how her husband doesn’t know I’m in there with her. As I whisper more and more I’m putting my mouth closer on her ear every time.

Her breathing starts to get louder and her mouth is open. I put a hand on her leg and squeezed her closer with the other hand. After everything I whisper to her about how my wife doesn’t know I’m in there, her husband, our coworkers; I follow up every statement with “did you know that, Morgan?” She would barely let out a little “uh huh.”

She is getting really turned on at this point and she’s rubbing my leg. I whisper, “we just met today and I’m in here, can you believe that?” She moans a little and rubs my bulge length wise.

She is really worked up but I don’t let her off the hook just yet. I grab her hand and push it hard on my bulge and we rub it hard together. I put my mouth right up against hers and keep going. “Does your husband know you’re touching my bulge right now?” She whimpers no.

I whisper, “do you see how hard you make me?” She whimpers a "yes". Then she can’t take it anymore and she gets on top of me and kisses me hard. She grinds on me hard a few times.

It was way past time to fuck this woman so she lifts herself up so I can take off my pants; she takes off her panties and leaves her dress on but it’s a loose dress so it’s easy access. I hold her ass tight and we stare into each other’s eyes as I go inside her. She lets out an “oh god.” I can hear that all-inspiring squish sound as my cock slid past her pussy lips and into her wet gulch. She rocks back and forth and we kiss.

I loved squeezing her ass through her dress as we fucked. I think this turns me on more than squeezing a naked ass does. I tell her that her pussy feels so good. She comes back with, “better than your wife’s?” I say yes. I ask if my cock is better than her husband’s. She says, “yes, you have a big dick.” Then she goes harder and she has a really nice shaking orgasm on me.

I leave her on the bed and stand over her. She sucks me for a while. She uses her hands a lot and moans like a troubled soul, which I love. Then I grabbed her head and she dropped her hands so I could take over. I fucked her mouth slowly. I don’t want to gag her, I just want to watch my cock go in and out of her mouth. I tell her she looks so beautiful when I fuck her pretty face.

I’m pretty excited by this point, so I’m having trouble trying to not fuck her mouth too hard to make her gag. So I lift her dress off and put her into doggy-style. She’s small so it’s easy to hold her shoulders and fuck her like that but it’s working a little too well.

I hadn't mentioned before how alcohol keeps me from cumming easily. But slamming her body weight into my cock is making me way too hard, way too close to needing to cum. But that 60-seconds or so was amazing.

Our bodies slapped hard against each other, creating ripples in time along her firm ass. She screamed loud and she could take my whole length. But I had to slow it down, so I grabbed her ass and slowly guided my cock in and out like that. She says, “oh god... you’re going to make me cum again,” and we started going a little harder. I’m really worked up at this point and I grit my teeth and I’m like, “god I love fucking your little married pussy.” And she says, “you fuck me better than my husband can.” I say, “is this what you want?” She says, “yes I love your fucking cock.” And then, “fuck this cheating slut.”

Women, what can I say? If you create enough comfort and space for them to let their inner slut out, they will.

So, I am absolutely fucking destroying her pussy at this point. I’m going as hard as I can. Long and fast strokes. My body is slapping against her ass. She’s screaming loud and I’m grunting hard. It's the type of sex you only have maybe once or twice in your life.

The whole hotel could've been burning down and I'd still not care and just keep fucking her pussy. Morgan was the type of chick you'd let ruin your life. The catch-22 in not caring about getting her pregnant, but also knowing it would ruin her looks and the idea of what Morgan was to me and also the trading world. Women like her can't get pregnant, they have to look hot to survive in this industry.

If you are a man, your play is to be the fun guy, the entertainer with clients. You don't need people to like you, or desire to fuck you, in order for them to want to do business with you. You just need to be relatable enough, make them comfortable enough with you for them to buy what you are selling.

She's the type of woman you'd want to breed with, as far as benefiting the human race with beauty. She is so hot, so perfect physically that just knowing she was letting me inside of her was an ego-boost beyond any trade I've ever executed under duress and pressure.

She’s cumming again and I’m trying so hard to keep going and not cum in her. I just barely pull myself without going inside her and she turns around and tries to get as much of my cum in her mouth as she can. It mostly shoots on her face. It was a lot. She closes her eyes and I rub the cum around on her face with the head of my cock and I tell her she looks beautiful with my cum on her face.

I had to get back home and that was it for us for that conference. We kept our thing up via chatting, dirty talking and video calls. We fucked again the next year. Eventually I left the company and it kind of died off. Best work wife in the world.

Yours Truly Horny,

Mr. After-hours


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