Original Story at FoxNews

Female teacher Reagan Anderson, 27, has been arrested for preying on a 17-year-old high school football player.
The former teacher has been released on bail and told her not to have any contact with the victim or his family.
The victim's mother said Anderson's alleged abuse 'ruined our son's life'.
Anderson is married and has two children; she is a 'Christian wife.
Reagan was also the coach for the girl's volleyball team at Holly Hill Acadamy; she taught 3rd Grade as well.
The rape(s) occured once on a county road and also in the parking lot of a Pizza Hut.
Anderson's bond was set a $2,500.
Listen To The Full Monolouge
Reagan Anderson wasted her life for one last chance at Chad.
Getting married to women today is the same as putting everything on Black at the casino.
Women today don't belong in marriages, or in Corporate America; they belong to the streets.
Wild deer and women have a lot in common.
My pager keeps beeping constantly via my audience; there is just so much degeneracy. Thanks.
These female teachers are going after the 'athletes' and the guys other teen girls want.
Women never grow up; they just get older.
Fake Tradwife is an epidemic today.
The Report Card
Reagan Anderson played the fake tradwife close to the chest.
She carefully controlled her Facebook page and her husband's in order to keep up appearances. This is standard operating procedure for women with boyfriends and husbands. She most likely got her husband to write these mini-series of "Oh my wife is so amazing and does so much" type of cringe posts at her behest.

These usually come before the envitable fall; before said wife or girlfriend is about to suck 10 cocks on the street, bang a teen boy or possibly try to do his entire football team. Just like she probably did back when she was a teen herself.
You never see women write this shit about their husbands. It's not because they can't or or incapable, it's more so because they are too busy trying to suck and fuck the cum out of another dude behind their husband/boyfriends back.
It was a busy busy life for Reagan. Trying to be a Christian wife, mother and a teacher whilst also trying to once again, get Chad (The Bro Next Door) to cum inside her pussy. One last midnight; one last chance before her supply of eggs runs out. One last pump of the pussy by his Pepsi can, pint-size penis.
Reagan, of course like all women, first sent the teen jock some nudies on Snapchat. After that, given her attractiveness, all she had to do was show up to get Chad's seed. Sending the nudes hinted at sexual availablity and the williningness to open her legs and that she was DTF (down to fuck).
If you're a 17-year old, highly fueld, testosterone filled to the brim Chad, you are on autopilot and will pump that pussy until veins are popping out on your balls and cock.
It is for sure an ego boost for someone like 27-year old Anderson. Are you happy now, Reagan? You got to see if you still 'had it' and was able to get Chad to pump your pussy again. All it did was cost you everything. That's some real risk managment right there and great ROI!
Do I need to remind everyone once again why it is a bad idea to let women run corporations, have jobs and be allowed to vote and sign contracts?
Christian wife of two kids. Need I say more?
She risked everything just for one last chance at Chad. That is called passion and dedication to being a great Female Sex Scandal Teacher! And, Anderson got the kill/bang. Amazing! She didn't struggle or have to work too hard to get Chad to notice and to receprocate. It's almost like she's a pro (former slut) and has done this before.
There are only two types of women that will have sex with you in the parking lot of a Pizza Hut: Hot female teachers, like Reagan Anderson, and prostitutes.
So basically, all women. The catch is, you have to be an athlete or an aspiring Chad.
Reagan is your typical white female from America that never had to work for anything in her life and it shows. Her presentation is satisfactory at best.
Regan shows very little effort in her theme/style presented. No bikini pics or shots of her camel-toe in yoga pants. Does she not understand that the whole tradwife thing is now a lost cause and that we here need to see this other side of Reagan? When is her Onlyfans dropping?
Her mugshot says, "Yeah I did it and i'd do that quarterback again if I had the chance. The pizza was okay by the way."

Time for a paternaty test.

She's looking at Chad through the lens. Her face says, "PM me, I need your cock more than a pizza rn"

Jesus Christ. An all grey photo op. What is this, an ad for Calvin Klein?
Why are couples today so gay together?

This is Anderson's 'teacher' photo. WOULD.
Imagine her 'ruining your life' after football practice when your balls need drainage the most...

Reagan, knock it off with the airbrush/photoshop tools. You don't need them. You are better than that!
Final Notes: Reagan Anderson, I am pleased to say, has met the full requirments of a Female Sex Scandal teacher. She flaunted her pussy infront of that 17-year old football player with nudes and she got her quivering orgasm, twice. Most likely got her cervix coated whilst waiting for their pizza to be done.
Never a dull moment with Chad. At any moment, sex could happen! Five minutes with an Alpha is worth going to prison for. However, where Anderson lacks is in her dedication and passion for the club. As a hot female teacher, when deciding to bang your student, it is your duty to fully prepare for the aftermath. Reagan did not plan a good presentation for us. She had no body pics, no side or underboob shots, no yoga pants camel-toe surprise/lolly pop for us.
Just went with 'boring house wife' as her finale? What. The. Actual. Fuck! That shit is for your friends, family and husband. Not if you want to go for GREATNESS!
After what we saw from Rikki Lynn Laughlin, you hoes need to step your game up.