Original Story at DailyStar
In November 2024, female Texas teacher Shawnee Nicole Despain pleaded guilty to a charge of an improper relationship between educator and student after it was revealed she had a sexual relationship with one of her pupils.
The 17-year-old pupil attended Rockdale High School in Texas, at which Despain taught agricultural science. Shawnee Despain was 24 years old at the time.
The latter resigned from her role in September 2023 after an investigation revealed the inappropriate relationship.
Despain was also found to be pregnant, with DNA testing showing her husband was not the father.
Proof of grooming was found on the criminal's phone, with text messages professing love, and footage of the pair having sex found on Despain's snapchat. Surrendering on the November 7, 2023, Despain was first charged with child pornography and enacting an improper relationship.
Shawnee Nicole Despain will not be serving any prison time; instead will be on probation.
With a name like Shawnee, are you guys as surprised as I was?
The double standard of 'justice' is on full display here. Women are not oppressed in Western society. In fact, women are not oppressed enough.
Its fine to have distain for Despain, here.
You'll understand this more once we get to her presentation.
Let's just say, I hurled one of my tablets at the wall, and it's fortunate I have a spare...
This job isn't for the faint of heart.
It's why nobody else does it.
It's why this is the the number # 1 blog for Female Sex Scandal teachers.
Going stronger than ever since 2016. You're welcome.
How do you know when women in your culture are not oppressed? Well, you see what we all just read above. If a grown adult male did what Shawnee had done, but to a 17-year-old girl, made a sex tape of her on Snapchat, got her pregnant, and lied about his double life to his wife, I would bet you all the cuckbucks in the world that he'd serve 20 years in jail, no probation, and would receive death threats.
These female teachers who are doing this, especially the married ones, are more than likely trying to cuckold their husbands. It's mainly a sick and twisted sport for them in some cases, but there is more and more evidence that these women are trying to get pregnant by younger boys.
For Shawnee and other women like her, why bother using protection? She's got a safety net (hubby) at home that will take care and provide. She has the judicial system on her side, clearly. She can always go on welfare and be a single mom with a big screen TV in every room, Uggs, Lululemon and a KIA Sorento that needed an oil change 2 years ago.
She is thinking, "How will he find out its not his?"
This is why all men should have their kids DNA tested if you are going to do something as dumb as marrying a modern woman and knocking her up.
It's never been easier for women to cheat, sneak around, and have quick encounters with other men and, of course, as we are seeing, young boys now. Young boys who would not hesitate to engage intimately with their teacher. Young boys with the same maturity level as a grown adult woman.
Despain groomed this kid on every level.
Her goal was obviously to get pregnant by him.
It doesn't say how long she'd been married to her husband. However, at 24 years old, I am willing to bet that it is a case of 'recently married'; a year or less.
Being The 'Boyfriend' or 'Husband' Is A Means To An End For Modern Women
Every guy today has to understand that women honestly don't like their boyfriends or husbands all that much. I see it all the time and everyday. I hear it through conversations from women and how they even talk about their boyfriends. Especially young women in their early Twenties.
With the biggest welfare state in history, the one-sided court system (gynocentric), and women getting paid salaries for doing 1/3 of the work a man does, it's no wonder why women today really don't value certain types of men anymore in the same way that they had to back in the day. It's all about scarcity when it comes to women.
Money, or rather, a safety net nowadays, is not as scarce. Although, we are going to be entering an era or period of possible hyperinflation and some pretty dark times, so that may change. However, women do not look that far into the future or even care to.
Everything they feel (not think) is always in the present and in the moment. And at this moment in time, women do not feel threatened or fear the future, yet. They are on autopilot until the plane (the good times) runs out of fuel and begins its rapid descent into the ground at 11,000 ft. per second.
For now, it's all about the Mile High Club for women. And to get to the Mile High Club they still need a beta cuck to prop them up and to get them there. Do you think young women can afford to go to Bora Bora on their own, or live in a condo without the help of orbiters or a boyfriend.
The boyfriend or hubby is an accessory to a lifestyle. A tool to help them out financially, take them on trips, and pay their data usage for their sky-high phone bills, used to text and Snapchat Chad and teen boys for hook-ups on the side. You will see these young women post pictures on their Instagram of how their boyfriend took them on a trip to Mexico, but then months before, you've seen them flirting with you at work, trying to hook up with you or other guys, I bet.
After experiencing being the 'other guy', believe me when I say you'll never view women in the same way again. While her boyfriend or husband is working hard to plan a trip, she's criticizing his flaws to her colleagues and friends.
Young women in their early 20's have boyfriends to keep up with their other friends. I call these women: Strivers. You see them all the time at resorts with their starter husbands or their boyfriend from college. You know they can't afford these trips on their own, but they are Strivers. Trying to live a Boomer-esq lifestyle that they know they will probably never have fundamentally. It is a form of enjoying the decline, but of course, it's always on someone else's dime (a man's). It's a "look what we did/have" mentality much like how older people in suburbs keep-up with the Jones'.
These women and their boyfriends aren't rich, they can't even afford a one bedroom apartment, but she needs to feel like a Kardashian and pad that Instagram anyways so as to make her friends jealous and force them to strive as well. It's all fake and as gay as their boyfriends who look like they have low-T.
She'll still join him on the trip because it's free and already paid for. She'll stay with him until those benefits run out and her hypergamous needs are no longer satisfied.
If she is not getting the satisfying sex that she wants in a relationship, she'll try to find that somewhere else and on the side if need be. Smartphones have been a big help for women in that regard.
The Chad 'on the side', is an accessory to a mating style.
Regardless of what man you are in life, you need to realize that you are or will be filling either one of two roles with any woman: To her you are either good for fucking/mating or you are a walking ATM machine for her lifemaxxing pleasure. Rarely can women find a man who is both, or rather, find a high value man who is willing to commit to a relationship with them (resources). So what can a go-gurl do these days? Well, she has to pretend she's Trad to get a cuck; she has to be sneaky on the side with the help of her smartphone to get deep-dicked by Chad's Pepsi can penis.
Which guy do you want to be if you want to play this game?
Ultimately, it's all just a fucking game. It's perfectly acceptable to opt out, and many men are increasingly making that choice. However, if you decide to participate, it's crucial to comprehend your role, the one you select, and how to safeguard yourself in either scenario.
I bet a lot of readers right now are probably thinking, "Man, i'd choose to be that 17 year old, hands down on my dick!"
Yes, objectively, you have more to lose if you are the boyfriend or the husband.
You lose all of that time you invested, money and your future wages may be garnished for Vaginamony. Yes, the courts will make you pay for prior use of her vagina (lifestyle upkeep).
Conversely, yes, the 17-year old got something that most teen boys will never get or most guys in general, however, at what cost? He was raped. Or at best, it is sex under hormonal duress.
He [the victim] might not perceive it that way, but perhaps some boys experience trauma later on. We don't know for sure, as there aren't any studies or exit interviews on this matter. Being groomed means he was psychologically manipulated to believe this was normal and acceptable, so as a teenager, you might think Shawnee shouldn't be imprisoned. Hormones can obscure your judgment.
However, the boy is potentially now on the hook for child support if Shawnee's husband decides not to be a full-blown cuck and raise the kid and keep his degenerate 'wifestitute'. Shawnee groomed this boy into getting her pregnant.
It wasn't just sex for the sake of sex or pleasure; making his dreams come true even if he did have the hots for his teacher. It was the fact that she knew they should at least be protected, but instead probably told him it was fine to cream-pie the ever living shit out of her pussy.
At 17, you're busting 8-ropers like Peter North (cumshot legend) that are travelling at Mach speed. You're going to get her pregnant, like instantly.
This chick could've been nowhere near her ovulatory shift and your sperm would find a way to hide like Harry and Marv in Home Alone 2; come out of their little cum houses at midnight before the egg drops and cash that shit out in her dark, dank alleyway.
The Report Card
Shawnee, like a mentally immature high school teen, had Snapchat and groomed this boy using nudes and sext messages. What have I always said since the beginning of this blog?
Yes, women never mature past high school.
They just get older.
Easy enough to hide her infidelity from her husband, Snapchat and her smartphone allowed her to communicate inappropriately with this teen boy.
However, it's pretty difficult to hide a pregnancy! More than likely, at the time she was raping this boy, she was also having unprotected sex with her husband so that if she did get pregnant, there would at least be some plausible deniability regarding an affair.
If she hadn't been having sex with her hubby for a while and then suddenly turned on the tap, that should've been a red flag.
Even though we always hear that women are such excellent communicators, Shawnee has displayed to us all that she is incapable of doing so. Not a surprise.
It's safe to say that Shawnee executed her role as a Female Sex Scandal Teacher in flawless form. She even got herself pregnant with the teen's child!
This is no rookie sex scandal teacher here, this is something of a seasoned veteran.
A natural, even.
We have to give credit where it is due.
Being an Agricultural Science teacher and teaching your male student how to sow his seed and plow your field, is not exactly on the current curriculum. But I can see the merit and where Shawnee's head was at on this one. She tied in the lesson and made this come full circle. There was a lot of coming, that we know for sure!
Using Snapchat to make a homemade porno with the teen boy is next level passion.
Bet she never made a porno with her hubby!
Lying to her husband about the origins of the baby she was having, is a predictable move.
Had it not come to light that she was banging a student, the hubby wouldn't have ordered a DNA test and it's safe to assume she would've gotten away with the cuckoldry. Well, if the baby is black and the husband isn't, you don't need to waste time and money on a DNA test.
This is where most women today will disappoint you: Looks and their overall presentation.
I always put this category last in the Report Card because the rule of thumb when writing or showcasing something is that you always save the best for last. Again, when you depend on women for something important, I can guarantee you will be let down the majority of the time.
This is one of those times, guys.
From what I can tell from her mugshot, we could be dealing with a bona fide baddie. However, we will never know unless someone out there, maybe the victim, has some spicy pics we could 'analyze'.
That's the one big flaw with this blog (Hot For Teacher) is that yes, I have to rely on women for it to be great. And yeah, a lot of the times we find Greatness in many of the female sex scandal teacher cases that we cover. However, I need to keep things fair and balanced for all of you. Some days are just not as great as others. I am not going to be a woman and only post the good on my Facebook or Instagram so as to give you a distorted view of reality and life in general. It can't always be great.
Women aren't 24/7 living the dream, on vacations showing their ass to the camera and 'wishing they could go back'. Most women's lives are completely boring and their IG is just filled with pictures of the 5-10% of their lives that are amazing (when their bf takes them to Bora Bora) or they are out for 'girls night'. The most exciting thing in a woman's life is the guy, or guys, they are chasing currently.
In this case that was a 17 year old, aspiring Chad.
Shawnee's life must've been pretty boring. Just a hunch.
I will not be like a woman and pretend I have amazing bikini and ass shots of Shawnee at the beach, or tell you right now that I found a perfect picture of her in leggings with the most flawless camel toe imaginable. I will not pedestalize myself and tell you that if you scroll down just a few more clicks that the montage will roll.
I am a man, and I am going to disappoint you with the truth instead, and tell you that we have nothing, or rather, Shawnee decided it would be in her best interest (somehow) to not have a presentation for us.
Ladies, this isn't the moment or time for you to play 'hard to get' with me.
This is your time to shine, here.
Shawnee, played this game well up until this moment.
So, I have to be the one to tell you that there are no pictures on behalf of Shawnee. Even though it is her responsibility, I still have to tell you. She should be telling you why, or explaining it, but she's a woman. Women have trouble doing most things aside from dick.
Shawnee can go rape a teen; get pregnant. Lie to her husband. Make a low budget Snapchat porno and hide a double life from everyone but yet, she didn't have the time or energy to give us a presentation!
Very selfish. Yet, very on-brand for team women!
This is not how you go for Greatness, Shawnee.
Shawnee didn't respect her audience; she didn't respect you; she didn't respect her husband or her community.
She respected her vagina and obeyed the tingles it gave her.
That's all women obey these days.
For that, we need to punish her grade just like how it felt when that 17 year old was punishing her pussy.
We too can give her a big, fatty D.
Overall Grade
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