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Hot Married Female Teacher, Christina Formella, Raped 15 Year Old Student; Claims She's 'being targeted for being too good looking'

Married Female Teacher Christina Formella

Original Story at DailyMail

Married Female Teacher Christina Formella

  • Christina Formella, 30, was busted in the Chicago suburb of Downers Grove on Sunday — days after a student told police she molested him in a Downers Grove South High School classroom in December 2023.

  • Formella — who married her college sweetheart in August 2024 — also coached soccer at the school.

  • DuPage County prosecutors said Formella coached the boy and was his tutor, and the alleged sexual assault happened before the school day started.

  • The boy’s mother uncovered the alleged assault on Friday after she bought him a new phone and was linking it to his iCloud account, according to a DuPage County detention petition.

  • She allegedly came across text messages between her son and Formella that discussed sexual contact — and even a relationship.

  • After confronting her son, they both went to the Downers Grove Police Department that day to report their allegations.

  • She denied the allegations, the petition states, but prosecutors claim investigators uncovered more evidence indicating sexual contact between the two.


So we now have retarded 15-year olds out there fucking 10's, and most men 18+ can't get a phone number these days?

To be accurate, and to my knowledge, the teen boy in this case was probably not actually a tard in Spec-ed. He played on the soccer team. They've been throwing all the bad boys in special-ed for the last 30 years. The kid was probably dyslexic or ambidextrous. I looked up the team she actually coached; it's full of mini Chads.

Although, he did rat her out to the police. So, he's definitely retarded for sure.

It must be a rough life being an attractive woman. Let's be honest, Christina found her Chad sweetheart in college because of her looks and probably not because of her stunning thesis paper on downie kids.

She then got her government-funded job at Downers Grove (ironic and fitting) as a 'special needs' teacher with a side of coaching. It would soon come to light that Christina was the one with 'special needs'—needs that could apparently only be satisfied by a 15-year-old teen boy.

Married female teacher Christina Formella is so attractive (as she claims) that out of all the men in her city, only a 15-year-old boy targeted her. Christina is so attractive that it apparently impairs her judgment to the point where she couldn't control her actions. She has no agency. Does Christina vote?

It's the classic tale of an attractive modern-day woman having it all and then blowing it away; just like how Christina blew that teen boy's head off his shaft with those gorgeous Italian, dick-suck lips of hers.

Why do women do these things? Well, it's because they don't actually do anything, really. It's their pussy that controls their every move. Women today have it on 'easy mode'.

Their lives are so comfortable and idle that the only struggle they have is trying not to be bored all the time. Their biggest headache and frustration during the day is trying to get another dick inside their pussy without their boyfriend or husband finding out.

For women today, the carousel of lust and suffering is a difficult one to get off of.

Christina is a late Millennial. I would almost place her in the early Gen Z category.

This happened when she was 28 years old, one year prior to her getting a ring on her finger from her husband, Chad. Right on cue. Christina should have been married years ago; she should be pregnant with at least three kids by now. But women wait until the last minute. They want to maximize their hypergamy. It's why the birth rate is declining.

All through high school, this generation of women with smartphones will receive so many Snapchats, so many dick pics, and will be lily-padding from boyfriend to boyfriend. Fucking all the hot guys within their own friends' group; sharing each other's ex-boyfriends; cheating on their boyfriend with their best friend's current boyfriend.

When these girls get to college it is High School 2.0. The carousel of lust and suffering continues until they are close to age 30 when they begin to go through the Epiphany phase as outlined by Rollo Tomassi. It is also the time in their biological window in where they subconsciously understand that they need to be seeded (for realz) in order for them to secure their retirement plan for when they age out of the sexual marketplace.

Christina had a Chad-lite husband at home, so why did she want the seed of a teen boy?

Well, there could be a lot of factors. Traits that the husband doesn't have or maybe the fact that Christina is also a little messed up in the head, more so than other women.

Or, she is like most women but chose to act on it. Maybe Christina is an annoying nag at home and her husband was already getting tired of her behavior; they have been together since college. Perhaps this teen boy sparked more energy and paid her more attention; he's got to be good-looking too. Apparently, according to the affidavit, the sex was great.

Christina never left school. To be honest, most women never leave High School (mentally). Christina never left High School, literally and figuratively.

All of her lustful memories happened inside a school. She wanted to go back in her mind and relive them again. Those first sparks of attraction and all those sneaky encounters after school. This is how women go through life: full of regret, lust, and suffering. Constantly never being fulfilled. Addicts trying to get that first high back.

It's worse today because with smartphones and social media, women's brains are so fried by the time they are in their mid-twenties that they can't even form proper bonds anymore with guys. They've been turned-out so many times, so many dicks, and different DNA from all the rando cum that's been shot up and deposited into their cock compartment that pair-bonding is null and void.

The Report Card


It's interesting that this all happened back in 2023, a year prior to being wed to her husband and college sweetheart. I am willing to bet that she was engaged or knew they were going to get married and possibly wanted to fool around and have a scandalous fling before the knot was tied. Or, equally as plausible, wanted to get pregnant by the teen boy and cuck her soon-to-be hubby. If this all happened after she got married, it looks different on paper.

However, why get married if you've fallen in love (according to Christina) with your teen student? It's because she knew that this "relationship" (abuse) with the teen couldn't realistically last. It was a short-term mating strategy.

Or, was it? Police uncovered texts that were saved on Christina's phone under the 'Notes' application. Apparently, Christina got mad at the teen for ending things and accused him of cheating on her with his girlfriend.

Married Female Teacher Christina Formella

Christina apparently coached the teen boy, so we know the boy is a soccer athlete.

Her hubby back in the day was also an athlete when she met him in college. Are we seeing a theme here and connecting the psychological dots yet? The teen boy is her husband's former self; when he would rail her like the world was about the end.

She got closer to the boy most likely during their tutoring sessions.

The double-edged sword of smartphones and technology for women: These devices make cheating and infidelity very convenient; however, they make finding out just as easy.

You leave a digital trail. If Christina had just been with an adult male who doesn't need his mom to buy him a new phone (or doesn't have access to his iCloud), this wouldn't have come to light. For women like Christina, though, this is all part of the thrill. It gives them the excitement.



Recently married; did the nasty deed with the teen a year prior.

That already puts Christina at a B grade for this category.

However, what pushes Christina into the stratosphere of Greatness is her doubling-down on denial.

She denies that any sex or abuse occurred, yet the boy's iCloud is full of text messages of her saying how she liked him pounding her vag and how intense it was.

Married Female Teacher Christina Formella

Christina then goes on the blame her attractiveness for being the target of these allegations. Yet, she made her pussy, chest and face a target for this teen boys spunk!

Women will set themselves on fire before ever taking responsibility.



At the age of 30, Christina's best days as a woman are behind her. Don't get me wrong, she is still a rocket at 30. However, objectively, the photos we've found of her back in her college days show the soft Italian bird that is Christina.

No doubt that pussy was being tenderized like a good veal cutlet on the regular. I mean, I would've been pounding that thing 3-5 times day. She wouldn't be going to most of her classes, I'll just say that. That's the type of pussy you just leave your cock in overnight to soak. Pre-load that cock-pocket just in case you get hard for the 4th time during the night so you can jack rabbit the last few drops of cum out of your balls and keep the warmth stoked inside her.

Now, if you're a teen boy, even though Christina is 30 years old (28 when this happened) it would be like hitting the jackpot or close to. Your hormones are raging; you look back when you are 30 and will realize that some of the chicks you found attractive when you were a teen were actually pretty mid or ugly. But when you are jacked up on hormones, you'll pretty much fuck anything.

Christina is anything but a slump-buster. To a teen boy, she's probably going to make you bust with a pump or two. That's why Christina is in trouble. She knew this boy had 'special needs'. Her job was suppose to be helping downie kids control their outbursts; not granting teen boys access to her vagina so they could bust both nuts whenever they wanted!

Christina doesn't have a full catalog for us because again, like many before her, she took down her social media at first chance. Not cool, Christina! However, with the pictures we have, it is safe to say that Christina has had an easy life up until this point.

Married Female Teacher Christina Formella

I'd Like to water that flower pot...

Married Female Teacher Christina Formella

The teen boy was brought in as the 'relief pitcher' even when she had a good 'closer'. Women can't coach; they can't even manage their own lives.

Married Female Teacher Christina Formella

Imagine a woman as hot as Christina getting mind-fucked and hung-up on a 15-year old kid...Unreal.

Married Female Teacher Christina Formella

She's wearing the sluttiest dress out of all of them. Bingo.

Christina has a nice hip to waist ratio, great thighs and legs for days.

Little bit of a pooch happening, however, if I'd have sex with Christina 3-5 times a day, we could burn those calories right off. Just put her in doggy or cowgirl and let her do some work.

Married Female Teacher Christina Formella

You know what they say about women who drink white wine....


She made it easy for that 15 year old teen boy.


Final Comments:

Christina Formella has been granted the official title of Female Sex Scandal Teacher. She has satisfied all the requirements, including sliding her sliz on top of that boy's salami. In her efforts to deny responsibility, Christina has claimed that it was her attractiveness that is the root cause of all the allegations; the cause of why this all happened, rather. If it weren't for her being so hot, Christina wouldn't have forced herself onto this boy, right?

The struggle is real here for Formella.

It is also a struggle on our end because we didn't get the full catalog from Christina in her presentation. We were missing a good bikini shot and also maybe something other than sun dresses and cocktail hour attire.

Christina, you're a white girl from America. Where are your leggings and yoga pants? Where is the candid camel toe and ass shots, hm?


Overall Grade


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Married Female Teacher Christina Formella


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