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HUNG-UP ON TRUMP: Why The Vast Majority of Canadians Want to Suck Donald Trump’s Cock Off

Canada is a land full of people as gay as their money. A place filled with shitlibs, femi-cunts, and cucks; an example of a failed state. A hopeless romanticide on multi-culturalism.

I wrote a bit about the insane and bizarre obsession that the majority of Canadians have with Trump a while back, in two grand-standing pieces regarding yours truly absolutely killing it in the stock market in 2020.

Today, I would like to dig that shiv a bit deeper into the bleeding hearts of shitlib Canadians.

As TheGreatOne pointed out in a recent podcast of his, yes, being born in Canada one already starts off at a deficit. It is an un-lucky and sad tragedy to be born in the wrong country, America’s step-child. If you ever needed proof that the 80/20 rule exists, come to commie Canada: The vast majority of people here are absolutely worthless in every stretch of the word. Twenty percent are actually trying and are on their way to God tier; eighty percent are hopeless, dickless, worthless sacks of entitled pieces of shit.

Honestly, other than myself, there are a handful of Canadians that are worthy of being in that small percentage class that consists of excellence. There is Rich Cooper, Rian Stone and Carl from Black Label Logic; a few others that I am probably forgetting.

Honestly though, there aren’t a lot of doers up here in the Great White North, just a lot of complainers and cock-sucking faggots who choose to bitch, and moan a man’s name (Trump) while they jack-off to the thoughts of him living rent free in their minds.

Before it was just a theory, but now my friends, I am convinced that the vast majority of Canadians want to suck off Trump’s cock and make him cum all over their faces, and into their crooked Canadian mouths.

It is really hard to tell whose cock most Canadians want to suck the most these days: Trudeau’s or Trump’s. I also wrote a piece a while ago on why most Canadians would suck-off Justin Trudeau’s shit-covered cock.

It has only been a couple days since Trump has left the Presidential office to be replaced by a pedophile alongside the first Black, masculine presenting transgendered lesbian Vice President, Camel-toe Harris.

Yes, it has only been two days, and still I am hearing losers up here in Canada on the streets and in stores, talking about how Orange man bad…as if he never left office. It is almost like they miss him. It is almost as if now most Canadians don't know what to do with their day now that Orange man is gone. It is almost as if most Canadians are worthless losers who have nothing going on for themselves!

The way people up here in Canada talk about Trump, get hung-up on his every word and move, is reminiscent of how women just can’t let go of their ex-boyfriend.

He is gone. He is never coming back. Why are you still talking about him and tracking his every move on social media? Why are you still calling him an asshole behind his back to your friends? He was never yours to begin with. Do Canadians not understand that being called an asshole is actually a compliment?

Assholes are authentic, most Canadians lack this ability

Most Canadians are nice to your face, but then like women, back-stab you and talk shit behind your back.

Most Canadians are cowards and lack the ability to be themselves; to be authentic. A species deathly afraid of not being tolerant enough to take immigrant cocks up their ass, and pander to every minority out there. Canadians use to have spines, but now the only hard thing running up their backs is Justin Trudeau's shit-covered-cock ready to jizz a load all over it.

The main reason why Canadians always seem to talk shit about America, and about Trump especially, is because deep down inside they know that America is great; Canada is a fucking commie shit-hole that needs to be reset by a nuke strike.

The reason why most Canadians obsessively follow Trump and call him an asshole, is because they need to live vicariously through someone who is better than them in order for themselves to feel alive.

Most Canadians are dead inside. Their souls look like the dusty and infertile wombs of their feminist women. The other reason why Canadians always like to shit on America (Trump especially) is because losers always need someone else to blame for all their failures in life.

In the case of most Canadians, this will be of course any White heterosexual man who is an astounding success. To be an “asshole” is to be successful.

Canadians only wish they could be true assholes. Being a true asshole, like yours truly, takes more bravery, guts and courage than the average Canadian could muster.

Canada and its vast landscapes are absolutely beautiful, don't get me wrong. They are some of the most magnificent in the world as far as aesthetics go.

However, most of the people in Canada are ugly inside and out, and ill-deserving of such beauty. The only sane people left in this shit-hole are Canadians out West and maybe some out East. Ontario is full of feminist dykes, queers, cunts and cucks who have served this once great nation up on the altar of Globalism.

Most people in Canada are worthless. Most of the men are weak cucks.

Most of the women are fat or obese landwhales that have no value and are a national disgrace; a disgrace to femininity and everything that can be beautiful about women.

Ten years ago when I was in University, the women there were absolutely gorgeous and amazing. It was a great time to be alive and fucking. I would hazard that around 7 out of 10 women were smoke-shows, kept their bodies tight; every chick looked fine in leggings and yogas.

I re-visited the grounds about a year and half ago to find a jungle of jiggly puffs. It’s amazing how fast feminism ruined women here in Canada.

When I was at school, feminism was almost in full swing…but it still hadn’t infected the majority. When I went back there I can say with a straight heterosexual face, that maybe 2 out of 10 women I saw while walking around campus, were smoke show material. My fucking God, somebody nuke that place. College girls today are a joke and a fucking disgrace to the whole experience.

That is the main reason why male enrolments are down across the board throughout Canadian universities. What self-respecting man would want to stick his cock in the science experiment that is Global-homo, feminist dykeism?

So yes, most Canadians are worthless pieces of flabby shit.

Not worth-less than Americans….but indeed worthless, and need to be relocated and or exterminated.

I, along with others who have worked hard to become successful, are sick and tired of being surrounded by peons who don’t deserve to suck the clean air around us. Everywhere you go it is peon after peasant, shit-lib after welfare addicted retard getting close to us and thinking they are entitled to our good graces. They believe they can just strike up a random conversation about divisional politics and think that is an excellent ice-breaker. We are surrounded by insane, maladjusted morons over here.

Seriously, people here have no self-awareness and are that fucking stupid. People in this country have no lives, and think that talking American politics to total strangers is a normal way to start talking to someone they have never met. Talking politics to strangers is like asking them to pull their pants down to see their cock or cunt; you just don't ask for that.

All people have in this country is their New Religion: Feminism and shit-lib politics

Nobody knows how to have an interesting conversation because the vast majority of people here ARE NOT INTERESTING.

They are all the same: Brainwashed idiots drunk on children’s shows like CNN and CBC. The old worthless, dried up spinsters who can't do OnlyFans because they have hit the Wall, are all into MLM ponzi scams: Selling essential oils and "yoga" (laying on your back and breathing) to their friends as a "business".

The majority of the young women are already fat and lazy by age 24.

If any American’s out there need some target practice, or feel that they are a bit rusty with their gun play, please come up here. There are tons of targets for practice. 80 percent of this country needs to be purged.

People here in Canada are so fucking stupid because they don’t seem to understand that Donald Trump was never their leader in the first place.

I would have to estimate that the average IQ level for Canadians is sub 80 points; the average Canadian is technically retarded and it shows every day with every conversation.

Most times now when I hear Canadians around me talk, all I can think of is “Please, go home and kill yourself.” Or, “My God, you need to be exterminated immediately, I can slit your throat right here for free!”

For example, today I was accosted by one of these low IQ, retarded Canadian plebes at a store. Most of these Canadians lead worthless lives devoid of anything interesting, so they have to fill it with the new religion de jure: Politics; more specifically, Socialism (Leftism). A collective of enthusiastic cultists.

While shopping, this short fat troglodyte (typical lefty-normie Canadian) with a high-pitched voice, decided to start talking to me, unsolicited.

When I go out about my day, I do not wish to speak to you unless I know you or we need to talk. I do not want to interact or talk with peons because I know that the following is likely to happen. My time is precious, unlike your shitlib, loser politics.

On the surface “it” was technically a man. Once this worthless person began to speak I could tell he had Low-T due to the high-pitched Karen voice box he must’ve had implanted during a sex-change op.

This poor excuse of a human being then began to talk politics to me as if I could give a solid fuck. Not only that, this sub-human asked me if I knew about what “Trump had done”.

I decided to play and toy with this idiot.

“Trump, who is that?” I said.

“You know, the Prime Minister over there in America” the moron exclaimed.

This is how fucking stupid this moron was. All it took was for me to get him to talk for literally Hitler 2 seconds to understand that I was currently dealing with someone who needed to be exterminated from the human race.

“America has a President, not a Prime Minister.” I replied to the idiot, whose throat needed to be desperately slit.

Further, I told him that I was Canadian and that I could give two flying fucks about American politics unless it is a catalyst or a threat to my investment portfolio.

I then told him to immediately fuck off and stop bothering me, because if someone starts an incorrect sentence like that, I do not want to talk to you. In fact, I do wish to slit your throat and vacate you from my world.

In fact, this person imminently confirmed that he was retarded and has no business striking up a conversation that involved geo-politics with yours truly who has been tested multiple times with an IQ ranging between 125-130.

The moron continued to go on about Trump this and Trump that, how Orange man caused the pandemic and that he wanted to "kill all Americans with the virus."

At this point I had enough, and went full zero-fucks given on this pathetic, dickless Low-T, Low IQ, good for target practice in the future, excuse for a man.

“Do you want to suck Trump’s cock?” I asked him.

The moron was completely stunned by this question. People around us were stunned as well; they started to hear the lunatic fringe this idiot was trying to string along on.

“Because, the way you are hung-up on this guy [Trump]…it just seems like you’ve fucked him before, or he was your gay butt-buddy at some point..” I added, while fantasizing about breaking this fag’s trachea.

The moron didn’t know what to say. People around us were starting to laugh at this impromptu comedy act by yours truly. This loser desperately needed to go home to either take his meds, or to hopefully kill himself to end this suffering he was clearly enduring over a man he had never net; a man that doesn’t even know he exists.

I kept laying into him, telling him how Low-T he was and that he needed to fuck right off and stop coming up to total strangers to profess the new religion of hating the world’s ex-boyfriend, Donald Trump.

I told him how worthless he was, and that if the world could do me a solid it would be for him to get pancaked by a flatbed semi the moment he left the store. If only the Rona just killed morons like this Low-T, high-pitched pussy, the world would be a much more tolerable place.

Can we all just defund the police and suspend the Rule of Law for just one night so we can target practice on these inferiors?

Canada desperately needs The Purge to be a thing

My rifle(s) are getting dusty, and I am a bit rusty.

These people are truly, worthless. How empty is your life if you have to come to a store and start talking to total strangers about your new religion, Leftist politics?

Sadly, this is the majority of Canadians. These losers need a villain; they need a scapegoat for all of their life’s failures. Trump is out of office and these people have now realized that their lives are just as miserable and as pathetic as it was before he was President...of a country they are not even citizens of!

That is the real Red Pill of all this. This is the sad truth with these fucking losers. No matter who is President or Prime Minister, they will always be losers.

They don't understand that the government is not on your side, or "your team". This isn't Coke VS Pepsi. Politicians do not care about you. They are as worthless as these losers.

But, most Canadians seem content with viewing the government as above them and think that if they vote for one side, that side will make all of their gay, faggot dreams come true, so they don't have to lift their own fat asses off the couch and actually progress through life as an independent.

Yours truly is a Canadian on paper (we don't get to choose where we are born), but I operate as a privateer in this country.

We all have to live somewhere. Sadly, there are no good places left to hide or go. The whole world is becoming a Socialist shit-hole. So, you need to go full-pirate silent and run deep within. I do not need government and regardless of what "team" is in "power", I know how to play the markets accordingly.

Without Trump to be their scapegoat for every disaster in their lives or tragedy in the world, these losers are now losing their minds it seems up here in Canada. They are going full-retard because their lives are still the same pathetic worthless excuses for a story/memoir.

For fuck sake, Donald Trump was the President of the United States…..not the Prime Minister of Canada. He wasn’t even the designated leader of your country and yet, these people will still blame a man that doesn’t even know they exist and could give two fucks about them.

Canadians are so pathetic that they think Donald Trump would give two fucks about what they think of him.

The Low-T soy fag who accosted yours truly probably rubbed one out for Joe and Kamala the other day.

The worst part of this is that most Canadians let Trump, a man who doesn’t even know they exist, affect them so much emotionally. This is a mental illness.

Trump has exposed how mentally-ill most Canadians are to their core. Canadians over the last 4-years have proven their Soy, their cuck-ness and their desire to be miserable failures on the world’s stage.

How can a country like Canada progress into greatness when almost every Canadian on a daily basis is too busy thinking about Trump and how they secretly want to suck his cock and make him cum for them?

Just like women, most Canadians do nothing all day. They just sit their on the couch and masturbate to a man (An Alpha) that could give two fucks about their stupid ass.

Canadians, who for four years Tweeted @RealDonaldTrump to call him an asshole, are like a woman trying to get the attention of an Alpha.

It is confirmed. Most Canadians are obsessed with their ex-boyfriend Donald J. Trump and desperately want to suck his cock and make it cum.



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