Original story at CBSNews

A 28-year-old woman is facing charges after police said she sent lewd photos to a teenager while she was employed as a juvenile counselor.
Juvenile Detention Counselor, Bayleigh Hoyt, 28, was arrested on Tuesday and charged with official misconduct and distributing harmful materials.
Hoyt was a juvenile counselor at the Depke Juvenile Detention Facility in Vernon Hills when she met the 17-year-old.
Hoyt began communicating with the teen and having "lewd conversations" after he was discharged from the facility. Hoyt sent the boy a nude photo of herself and encouraged him to delete the messages, officials said.
Lake County officials said Hoyt resigned from the juvenile facility, "before law enforcement became aware of the situation."
Not all women are hybristophilic, but only women are hybristophilic.
Former juvenile detention counselor Bayleigh Hoyt is not exactly a teacher; however, being a juvie counselor is close enough. We'll take this one.
It's been a while since we've had a hot teacher/counselor make the pages. If you've been following me on X, you would already understand we have been seeing a slow-down in young, hot female teachers raping and having sex with minors. We are going through a economic and cultural cycle to put it simply.
It looks like teen boys in America for the mean time are going to have a break and will be able to spend more time playing vidya games with their friends and actually enjoy being a teen/kid for once before life and women start to grind a young man down (if you let them).
First off, thoughts and prayers for the victim of Ms. Hoyt. He is a survivor and will live to tell the tale of almost having her body on top of him, crushing his cock and draining both balls. Just horrific to think about at the age of 17 when all you know is masturbation. A 28-year-old hot one like Bayleigh could've ruined masturbation for this kid; sex might've caused cardiac arrest for sure.
Imagine, Bayleighs tits in your face at 17 while she slides effortlessly up and down your cock in the cowgirl position. Being able to titty-fuck her in her car or in your cell. Shooting a load all over her chest and face. No 17-year old boy deserves that...yet.
No 17-year-old boy has earned the privilege of scoring with a hot 28-year-old female. Bayleigh is a criminal for getting this boy's hopes up and for having this corrupt view of handing young men a winning lottery ticket when all they've accomplished in life so far is the high score in Fortnite. Sick and twisted.
I found out through sifting around Bayleigh's X account that she likes to date and have sex with black men. Yup, she's a mud shark.
I can't make up my mind as to what more disgusting: Bayleigh trying to groom and have sex with a 17-year old boy (a minor), or the fact that she is a race trader and has sex with black guys. It's a good thing Bayleigh never got to seal the deal with that kid because who knows how many STD's she has. She probably has AIDS, too. On the other hand, how much do you want to bet that the 17-year old bad boy in juvenile detention is black?
As we all know, when a black baby boy is born, he is already on parole.
Bayleigh does not belong in a position of trust or authority; she belongs in the cowgirl position; she belongs to the streets.
The Report Card
Bayleigh, like all female predators, positioned herself in an authoritative role in a institution that has a lot of alpha males or, aspiring alpha bad boys (minors/teens).
As we all know, a woman's peer group is the one she normally picks from when selecting mating partners. Bayleigh spends all her time in prison, surrounded by youth. Whose idea was it to put female counselors in charge of teen boys? It's obvious to me that it would be a disaster waiting to happen. We are talking about women here. They can't help themselves, especially around young boys.
Bayleigh spent a lot of time with the boy, I am sure, just like a workplace husband. If you're in juvenile detention as a teen boy, you're extremely horny. Just being a regular teen boy is hard enough, but being locked away with no other girls around except for some attractive 28-year-old female counselor. What did you think was going to happen?
If you'd had put Bayleigh and this boy into a cell and threw away the key, it would've had the same effect. Bayleigh eventually got the giner tingles, because she's a woman and can't control herself, and just has to have her pussy fucked by any nearby aspiring alphas.
Bayleigh, ironically, is about to spend even more time in jail after her little nude art show stunt.
Bayleigh tried her best, but couldn't close the deal in time. She resigned even before the police knew what was going on. We don't like quitters here!
We also know that Bayleigh likes to have sex with black men. That's going to be a full mark deduction, unfortunately to her overall grade.
Race trading is a huge faux pax in the female sex scandal teacher world, and it's something that we cannot condone or make light of. It's just disgusting.
What a waste of a perfect pair of tits.
Bayleigh has all the right things going on in her presentation, except for the fact that she has or had black boyfriends in the past.
She also never had sex with that teen boy. What is going on with these women lately? Just no effort. the second half of this year as far as female sex scandal teachers go has just been disappointing in terms of going for Greatness.
At least Bayleigh kept her X account up long enough for us to get some grabbies on her bewbs.
She gives us a full catalog to work with, however. We get to see bikini beach wear Bayleigh, Moonlight sonata, Bayleigh, Bathroom selfie, Bayleigh and much more...
She's so unique, no woman has ever taken pictures of herself like this...

Coal burner
The great debate: What is more gross, women having sex with teen boys or coal burning? In this case, it could be both consider the boy was in juvenile detention!

Probably took this selfie for the 17-year old boy.
Gotta show them your dick-suck lips!

The thousand black cock stare

Gross, blue tile in the bathroom, really?

The only time a woman will put down her phone is when she's giving a full spectrum blowjob (mouth and hands)
That leopard scrunchie is a dead giveaway that she likes it in the butt, too.

You could probably shoot 3 loads of 8 ropers and still have enough room on her tits to do a fourth round...

Nose ring, hoop earrings and cum-on-my-fakeup face...
All green flags for a quick fuck

Holy Fuck! Clean your bathroom...

I don't know what is more distracting, Bayleigh's ass
or the shit all over the counter tops...

Bayleigh has taken so much girthy dick over the years that she even has stretch marks beginning to appear on her thighs and hips!

Bayleigh never had sex with the boy; she teased him with her tits.
In our opinion, that is a crime on its very own.
Final thoughts:
Bayleigh Hoyt would've had a higher overall grade, however, she failed to meet even the minimum requirements for being a sex scandal teacher. Bayleigh never had intercourse with the 17-year old boy, that shows lack of planning and awareness of time. Bayleigh waited until after the boy was released to make her move. This shows a lack of urgency and passion. Hoyt in our opinion was just a tease and got her jollies off by sending nudes, making the boy think he was going to get to slid into her and bust both nuts all over her tits.
Instead, Bayleigh spent her time gooning (like most women) by sexting and sending the boy nudes. A complete waste of everyone's time and energy. Bayleigh has also shown that she has a passion for fucking black men. This had consequences and was the result of a massive regrade downward.
Let this be a reminder to any future aspiring female teachers (or counselors) that going for greatness isn't just about having sex; it's about who you have sex with, both in the present and in the past. Your past counts toward everything you do in life. You will be judged on your past. Never forget that!
Overall Grade
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