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Married Female Teacher, Brittany Fortinberry, Blames Her 150 Lb Weight Loss For Raping Multiple Teen Students, Providing Drugs To Said Minors And Admitting She 'Had Dreams About Having Sex With Them'

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

Original Story At NewYorkPost

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

  • A married female teacher, Brittany Fortinberry, allegedlysexually abused several students and sent explicit photos of her sex toys and stripper pole — then blamed the twisted perversion on her 150-pound weight loss.

  • Brittany Fortinberry, 31, was hit with several sex charges, including for allegedly having sex several times with a 15-year-old pupil — who claimed there were at least five other victims, and possibly as many as 10.

  • The one victim told detectives that Fortinberry had started by sending him nude photos on Snapchat — then had sex with him several times, including when she took him 70 miles away to the town of French Lick.

  • He alleged that the teacher gave him drugs and threatened to kill herself if he told anyone.

  • The boy came forward in December, four months after Fortinberry had been fired following allegations she’d sent at least two other pupils obscene images — including nudes as well as images of her sex toys and a stripper pole in her home.

  • Cops searching her home then found items matching those described.

  • Fortinberry told police she regretted shedding 150 pounds in weight — saying she would have acted differently if she was still heavier.

  • Fortinberry has been charged with sexual misconduct with a minor, dissemination of matter harmful to a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

  • A police investigation into the incident is ongoing.


In no other world of crime will you see a case in where the perpetrator is also the 'victim' so often (in her mind).

We apparently just have a story that only involves victims according to Brittany Fortinberry; a woman who most likely suffers from BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and low self-esteem. Which today, isn't all that unique or rare to find in modern day women!

Who is the criminal or perpetrator in this story, then?

Well, according to Brittany, the boogeyman is her losing weight.

Remember guys, the real villain in girl-world is accountability.

Apparently, when you lose weight as a woman it causes you to do depraved and unholy things to those who aren't yet adults. But wait, isn't Brittany an adult at the age of 31?

Does this imply that we should prevent women from voting and working because, despite being legal adults, they supposedly lack agency and cannot be held responsible for their actions?

According to Brittany, if you, as a woman, lose weight, it will cause you to become a rapist, show teen boys your sex toy collection and stripper pole in your bedroom, and want to provide psychedelic drugs to them in order to groom them for sex!

Brittany chose to lose the weight, she should've known that this would cause a cosmic force to take over her brain and force her (like a rapist) to want to have sex with teen boys, cheat on her husband and then use the manipulative tactic of threatening to kill herself if she didn't get her way. Truly stunning and brave!

Is this why the majority of women today are so fugly and fat? Is it because they are aware that if they choose to lose weight, they too will suffer the fate of Britain: a woman forced by her own body's cellular composition into raping teen boys.

A truly fascinating reach. A true fantasy of the mind.

Women a way better than coming up with excuses for their bad behavior.

A victim of the side effects of weight loss that, up until this point, I was not even aware of; moreover, I have not seen any medical studies referring to such.

Can women do anything these days that doesn't compel or force them to rape minors and do depraved shit?

If a woman quits smoking, I bet it will force her to rape teen boys! Maybe it is for the best that women keep harming themselves by becoming fat, being a slave to the vape pen, and wanting to deface their bodies with tattoos because the moment they stop harming looks like (according to Brittany) they will start harming others.

It's not their fault though, they are just like a child.

The Report Card


Brittany played the game like how Hitler would've played it; Blitz.

Except, instead of slaying Jews, Brittany was slaying juveniles.

I feel like if Hitler were around today, he would totally kick-ass at EA's NFL Blitz and be an e-sports champion. So much potential with his mindset. Imagine Hitler coaching in the NFL, for real. Goose-stepping the entire length of the field instead of running laps if you fucked up.

Anyways... let's talk about Greatness in a different context. And yes, I capitalize the word Greatness because it is a 'thing'. It's something that most people will never achieve. It's special. It deserves to be capitalized.

Brittany's playbook started back in November of 2024, when two of the teen victims reportedly told staff at their high school that Brittany, a new teacher at the time, had made sexual comments toward them and had been communicating with them on Instagram in the fall of 2024. She then resigned in the few short weeks of being hired.

The victims' names have all been redacted in the affidavit.

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

This boy told police that at first, things seemed pretty normal with Fortinberry. He helped her set up her classroom, grade papers, and things like that. However, it was when Fortinberry allegedly added him on Instagram, purportedly to ask him about the schedule for the school's cross-country meets, that things got weird.

The victim told the detective that it was odd, but went ahead and sent her the link for the cross-country meet. However, after that point, the victim told police that Fortinberry then started texting him regularly "how a friend would" and not necessarily how a teacher would.

The victim also mentioned that his friend assisted Fortinberry in setting up her classroom during free periods and claims that once she learned his friend was an 'adult', she started flirting with him almost exclusively.

Victim (1) said she sent him a video on IG.

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

This is a common ruse that female predators use. It starts with something benign or innocent, like asking something routine or in a friendly way. They build it up, and once a female teacher starts communicating over text or social media with a student privately, that's when things take a turn.

Going back to 'the blitz' it is amazing how quickly Fortinberry transitioned from being a first day teacher, asking for routine help from her students, to trying to have sex with them and showing them her war chest of dildos at home. This all happened within days of meeting these boys.

The court file states that after this, Fortinberry sent the one victim a seductive photo of her cleavage:

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

The student went on to state that he wasn't going to report Fortinberry as long as she just stopped trying to communicate with him.

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

The Blitz. Fortinberry was basically trying to throw all the pre-boiled noodles at the wall and see which one could stick.

Fortinberry was very savvy in the way that she communicated with these boys. You'd think that she'd leave behind a massive digital trail, but in this case, she was pretty good at covering up a lot.

She used a lot of different text platforms with adults and other children, police have learned. They can see in this case that she would also turn on what is called 'vanish mode' so that her messages would be deleted immediately, and then after things came to light, she deleted her accounts entirely, which made it difficult to obtain a lot of information.

Usually, data can be recovered using a subpoena by the courts to social media companies. However, using Instagram's 'vanish mode' now, messages can only be retrieved for a certain period of time before they can no longer be accessed, and there are certain actions a user can take so that a subpoena by the courts would be null and void. It's no wonder why a lot of women love using Instagram and Snapchat to hide their hidden sex lives from their boyfriends, husbands, and community.

Did you all know that Fortinberry posted a picture of her bedroom that had a stripper pole in it, and told the victim(s) that she also had an Onlyfans account that she posted to on the reg?

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

The other victim told police that Fortinberry told him over text that she had a wild sex drive and past (typical female) and showed him pictures of her smoking weed in her garage.

When police obtained a search warrant for her home, they found the corroborating evidence of the stripper pole in the bedroom, more drawers full of sex toys than Sue Johanson would have, and the drugs.

What did Brittany Fortinberry do/say to the police when all of this came to light?

Yes, you guessed correctly: She immediately blamed the students and anything but herself. Classic!

According to Fortinberry, her social media accounts were somehow sent out and spread around the school, and she claims it was the students who approached her online and not the other way around.

Fortinberry proceeded to go off on some weird tangents when being interviewed by the detective in charge...

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

Women today claim that there is more to them than just their body and their sexuality. Yet, when the going gets tough, women always resort to making everything about their body and sexuality. Why? It's because it is their only agency. It's all they have in life.

It's their only 'superpower'.

Remember when a bunch of women in the UK were getting sexually assaulted at night, walking home a lone after going out to the bars and men on the internet kindly suggested that maybe women should dress less proactively and not walk home alone? What happened? Well, women got upset and Reeeeeeed because that would mean taking responsibility and being self-aware.

What does Brittany do in this case?

She blames what happened on her losing weight and looking 'sexier'. The only issue though is that she was the one who raped the boys and not the other way around. However, you see the hypocrisy with women when it comes to their body and sex.

It's only wrong or bad when a man sexually assaults them if they dress proactively, but totally fine if a woman sexually assaults young boys by enticing them with her looks and sexuality.

The catch is, the average woman has this 'superpower' for maybe 10-12 years before it fades rapidly (ages of 18-27 is optimal).

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

Here, Brittany is not so much providing a legal defense, but more so displaying her hamster wheel of trying to rationalize her depraved behavior.

She is trying to reframe the narrative entirely by alluding that she is in fact the victim in this case because of her massive tits and the way she is being singled out, which is truly breathtakingly bizarre to say the very least.

It doesn't matter if what Brittany says is true about the teen boys reaching out to her first. Even if they did (they didn't), all she would have had to do was not respond and not talk to them inappropriately or in a sexual manner. How hard is that? Apparently, for Brittany, her weight loss made her do everything. She had no control over herself; life just happens to her.

Why are women allowed to vote then?

Why do they have jobs?

Why are they allowed to drive a motor vehicle?

These are all fair questions to be asking at this point in our culture.

If women cannot take any responsibility or be accountable, then we should treat them like children. Clearly, Brittany thinks so too.

It was also reported to the same detective that Fortinberry molested another student a year prior in October (2023) but at a different high school in Martinsville. This came to light when the grandmother of this other victim came into the police department after hearing that Fortinberry was being charged with these initial crimes at Eminence High.

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

According to the grandmother, her grandson was given mushrooms (psychedelics) by Brittany.

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

This was apparently prior to the boy turning 16.

The fact that the boy felt more comfortable reporting this to his grandmother once he knew Brittany was in jail says a lot about the intimidation that Fortinberry had on these boys. Her threatening to kill herself if they ratted on her and who knows what else. Fear and threats, it's called coercion.

The detective asked the teen why he thought he was there to report this to him[ the detective] and this is what the teen had to say:

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

This teen boy has his head on straight. Fortinberry tried to suck on it and twist it with her orifices', but this dude knows what is up. He probably has read my blog.

It gets even more bizarre.

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

Apparently, the husband enjoyed being a cuck. The teen went on to tell the detective that Fortinberry claimed that she and her husband were in an 'open relationship.' On another occasion, this victim said Fortinberry let another boy/student join them for sex in her bedroom (threesome). The victim also stated that Fortinberry would get angry if the boy(s) didn't want to have sex with her or rejected her advances.



Brittany Fortinberry was barely a teacher for a week.

Her true calling was to be a female sex scandal teacher.

Having a stripper pole in your home along with an Onlyfans account says a lot about what sort of teacher you truly want to be.

She didn't just groom and rape one teen victim, apparently it was multiple.

She also employed the use of magic mushrooms to seduce and manipulate her victims into having sex with her.

The gigantic sex toy collection in her room was just not enough for Fortinberry's hungry pussy.



Whenever I hear about, or hear a woman say she lost 150 pounds of weight, I instantly know that she must've been a landwhale. The thing about Brittany is, she must've been over 3 bills, because she still looks fat.

I mean, that's great you lost 150 lbs. You should've lost more!

She didn't stop at one teen boy; she went for the high score. So why couldn't Brittany do that with her weight loss journey?

Answer: Having sex with teen boys was easier in order to make herself feel better and validated.

You see, it's easy to lose that amount a weight when you are so fucking fat. However, it's the last 50-100 lbs that is the hardest.

Brittany resembles the kind of woman you'd encounter in an Indiana biker bar at 1:30 AM, right before the lights illuminate and reveal all the rats scurrying beneath the floorboards.

If you're a teen boy, it's going to be above a 'maybe' for a 31 year old female teacher who has massive tits and is slightly overweight. Especially if she tells you that you can hit it whenever you want as Fortinberry told those boys.

Does it beat masturbation? That's the question.

The modern conundrum that we find ourselves in regarding the sexes is that with open hypergamy, girls and women are going for older, attractive guys. Girls in high school are either all interested in the same jock or going for guys in their early twenties.

Young women who are 18-27 are chasing older guys. So, what happens to the vast majority of young boys in high school or young men in their early twenties? Correct, they are left with limited options for the most part, as 80% of the women are chasing 10% of the men. It's like shooting fish in a barrel for women like Fortinberry.

The flip side of things happens to women like Fortinberry once they cross the age of 30. They soon become like the boys in high school, where all the men they would like to get with are now chasing and going after the young women who are 18-27. This is part of the reason why this sort of thing is going on with these women trying to have sex with younger and younger boys.

Another factor is the record low testosterone count among modern men that seems to keep sliding down every decade. This is likely due to the increase in overall obesity among North American men and the general apathy toward maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Most people today, men and women, seem to take pride in being completely miserable with themselves and it shows in their outward appearances.

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

You can just tell she is probably loudest woman in any room.

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

A woman's perverse nature is a fire that no man can ever extinguish.

Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry

50 more pounds lost and I would...


Final Comments: Brittany Fortinberry's ground game was nothing short of spectacular in this one. It is surprising that she didn't get impregnated. Wasting no time at all during her first week teaching, Brittany began sourcing multiple victims (options) to balance out her semi-normal life with her depraved desires.

She wanted to have it all.

She had the stable firefighter husband who is apparently cool with an 'open relationship' and so Brittany sought to supplement her hypergamous nature with high T-level teen boys.

When things got real and Brittany got caught, what did she do?

She blamed it on men (boys) and her weight loss.

Textbook play, right here.

Overall Grade


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Married Female Teacher Brittany Fortinberry



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